System Pics 2023

I’am glad that you got a reply😊 I’am thinking of purchasing a Puritan PSM 156 and was wondering which potential Puritan mains cable to purchase, if I replaced a Audioquest Monsoon. Have you any recommendations ? Thank you.

Man’s best friend and a ton of music. Perfect.


Been tinkering with boxes again this week…
Added the Olive shoe box NAC72 into the mix. Pleasantly surprised with the results.

Here is a resulting System Pic…

Current set up : Innous ZENmini mk3 S + LPSU ( SSD server, via Roon ) → LAN → ND5 XS2 → DC1 → nDAC → HiLine → NAC72 + HiCap DR → SN3 (power amp mode ) → NACA5 → Epos ES14

Just having fun, moving boxes around. After all, it’s a hobby. Now trying to figure out what’s doing what ? (That’s the separate contributions of classic pieces HCDR and SN3 power amp, to the already capable Olive NAC72 ). Full report over in “Naim Olive” thread.

Happy Sunday listening everyone…
Currently listening to Jorden Rakei : “What We Call Life”, (2021).



That sounds really positive @Timbo. Wishing you all the best with everything clear.


Wow great cd collection there :grinning:

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It’s the same weather where we live. Hopefully there are breaks so that she can get out a bit :blush:

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They look great in your room @Hifi-dog
I used to have the PMC 25.21i which were good but they took no prisoners when playing poorly recorded albums so if you’re happy you’re quite right to stick with the Prodigy 1s imo.

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I very much like the Puritan cables. I also have an AQ Thunder and thought the included standard Puritan was on par (bit more neutral than AQ) and Ultimate better than both. Only reason I didn’t get Ultimate was I’m planning to install a dedicated power line and want to be sure what length this means. When done I will get the Ultimate Puritan from wall to my 156. It’s crazy soft so being used to naim cables this is a game changing cable in terms of ergonomics :sunglasses:Have not tried Puritan cables on Naim boxes but I’m likely going to evaluate this at some point.

I believe Puritan offer a 30 days trial period on all markets.

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Thank you for the reply. Like you, I look at the Ultimate, but are thinking of moving. Therefore, would only need 1m length, at present. I can bet bottom dollar when move, would need 2m. I think in short term, will stick with Classic or Classic+. Have you not been tempted to change mains cables to boxes with Puritans?

I am using 2 classic+ cables on my NAP350s - great flexibility. Not sure how they contribute or detract from SQ though.

Do they fit securely to the 350’s mains input socket?

Yes, very nice fit. As always though, the ‘floating’ receptacle in the 350 allows plenty of movement.

Thank you. That is good to know. Did you ever try the Puritan 136 or 156?

No, the rest of my cables are from Titan Audio. I needed two new cables when I got my 300 series, my dealer doesn’t do Titan but did a great deal on the classic+. I had never heard of puritan before.

I use a Titan Styx mains block at the moment and May upgrade at some point. I have just googled the 136 and 156 - expensive but I won’t rule them out. Will be good to hear from anyone who has tried them. What alternative conditioners would be worth considering? I have always been put off by hearing about conditioners limiting dynamic range but this may of course be much cheaper ones.

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Excellent in all registers, of course always related to the amp you use (I run mine with a Gryphon Diablo 300). Basses are full, but very precise, not the slightest muddiness and much more punchy than my B&W 705 signature, which I own as well. Thought about a sub. Well, honestly, I don‘t need one as the deeper level of these speakers is quite impressive, without being dominant, which can be annoying in longer listening session. Very relaxed tone character, although they are extremely fast and vivid. Mids are detailed and well defined as well as are the trebles with not getting scratchy when played louder. All in all: Most impressive speakers. Soundstage is an asset as well, although I have listened to speakers with a wider performance. But honestly I am not lacking anything. In this price category (around 13 000 Euro with stands) you will hardly find better boxes. Some experts even say, you have to spend at least 25 000 Euro or more to match this quality level. Anyway, I beg, you will not return them after a trial period.


I love the Woodpecker! I have an extra 12" Jelco that I want to try on a Woodpecker.


Hope you get a chance to buy some vinyl and CDs! :wink:

Impressive collection!

Thank you @Zupfgeiger !

I think there will be a used 252 for sale in Gothenburg soon, just so you know Porphyr :wink:

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Yes I was probably one of those, although not intending to be rude. I just think that the metric of good room lesser system is better than bad room mega system. I don’t know what your room is like apart from the racks being rather close to the equipment. Something that I am trying out now rather than over spending (IMHO) on electronics. Who knows, maybe that will not work out as it plans and everyone can have the chance to say what a complete idiot that I am for spending lots on a dedicated room.

I suppose this is really all that matters. Although I have my doubts when audiophiles say such things because they are usually drooling after the next big upgrade. Anyway, as Nigel suggests, if there is a statement streamer, that should improve the setup where you can lose the Fraim. It already looks an improvement minus the 500s

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