System Pics 2023

All the best Dan. I am sure you will do very well with your great attitude. Best wishes for you and your lovely family.


My kinda room. :+1:


Itā€™s not just my dog that makes my room untidy ā€¦but he gets the blame.


Very best wishes to @Dan_M from a fellow 3-Racker (even if mine are a bit vertically challenged in comparison).

As said earlier, if a positive mindset counts, then youā€™ve already shifted the odds in your favour. Keep 'em shifting!


Hi Dan, your posts are very moving and you have a very brave and kind heart!


None. Not recommended by Naim.


few words and the truth @Dan_M

All the best for you and enjoy your music :+1:

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Ahh man, I have only picked up on this and I am so glad you are sticking with us. I couldnā€™t agree more with the supportive comments and sentiments in the recent posts.

Go and put on some good old RUSH (in the requisite order of course!) and turn it up loud, as long as Mrs QS doesnā€™t mind :smile:


Love the simrack so much!
Too bad, that I was to lazy to get on with Simon for my av rack - custom made.
I black it is so marvelous

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Great wee dogs, I have 2 of them. By the way, that is an impressive CD collection!


Wow thereā€™s some amazing looking (an Iā€™m sure sounding) systems here! Hereā€™s part of my modest little setup. Recently made up a plinth to go with some spikes I had lying around. The 45 degree angle of the picture makes everything sound more dynamic :sweat_smile:


Looking at that, I have a crick in my neck now :joy:

Nice System Pic :+1:
Love a bit of Olive in your life


Is it Sennheiser HD820 standing on the windowsill?

Thanks Bjƶrn! I will keep my eyes open :blush:

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I know that used to be the stance but is it still the same? The argument was concerning the conditioners stifling the dynamics but surely t;he conditioners these days avoid that problem?

Love those stands - classy.

Some of you may know I use a Mutec MC3 +USB between my Innuos server (USB) and my Naim Dac (BNC), well I have been using an SPDIF cable (for the last year) as advised by a dealer but today I changed the SPDIF to SPDIF for a second hand Siltech Classic Legend 380D BNC to BNC cable I bought about six months ago.

Anyway early first impressions are very promising, seems much better but maybe unconscious bias.

I donā€™t think the improvement has much to do with the quality of the Siltech BNC cable but just that itā€™s a better connection between the two components.

I suppose it should be better without those RCA to BNC connectors.

Wish Iā€™d thought of it earlier.

btw I use the Mutec upside down as the USB input on the back is upside down :rage:


Just the level of class I would expect from you, Rob :wink:

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Just wondering if you managed to listen to their bigger brother the prodigy5?
Iā€™d be quite interested to hear these on the end of my Nova. Like the looks and very attractive price plus also seem to be getting some favourable reviews. Be interested if anyone has actually heard them.

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Looks like this at the moment.
Best wishes, Dan.