System Pics 2023

its on the menu as the 1’s while excellent just need a little more oomph in my room, hopefully catch up with my dealer this week…


No doubt the BNC vs SPDIF should be a better connection but I wouldn’t rule out the cable itself having an impact. With their silver/gold wire, Siltech does really make some outstanding sounding cables. I’m using one of their Classic Anniversary AES cables but am thinking about moving up the Classic Legend line.


Sorry for the late response Dan but that is just lousy news. As is seen so many times on this forum, when one of us is going through something nasty the pulling together and positivity from all is beyond value. Your positivity is something unique and I am sure it can only help you in the times ahead and as you have already said, you have so much in your life: system/family in whichever order you fancy placing them :grin: to fight for. I wish you all the best and I want to see more posts of your system journey!


Hi everyone, thanks for continuing support regarding my health. I received today the two sheets of glass to complete my set up.

I think the glass and Fraim cups and balls completes the look I was after.

Best wishes everyone.


And very best wishes to you


Isn’t it great when everything finally comes together? It’s very nicely done indeed. Now all you need is a lower and more elegant solution for the TV. It would look good if it could be lowered so that the top is no higher than the speakers, and ideally slightly lower. I’m sure with your skills you could make something nice.


Well done @Dan_M, it looks great. I have to imagine it sounds even better.

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One thing at a time. I am laying concrete foundations in rain and knocking down walls with black concrete dust. Nasty work. But be nice to sort out the TV configuration. In order to do what you suggest I will need to make a bespoke unit. Ideally would be better to get TV wall mounted which is not possible with my TV apparently as it’s curved and doesn’t support brackets. The other problem is centre speaker is very big and I have quite tall AV amp. I have looked at alot of AV racks but nothing is suitable so will have to bespoke.

Ah, so not as simple as I thought. Maybe it’s not worth the effort if you are happy with things as they are. You have to stop somewhere. It’s just that it’s not as elegant as the rest.

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Thanks @Graeme. It was your design. And thank you so much for going to the trouble to do that.

Interestingly enough Audio T were trying to get me to ditch the CDS2 and XPS2 to fund other upgrades. I tried to explain the past and what I have done going from CDS2 to CDS3 and now CDS2 with spells of no CD player.

I guess they didn’t get it.

Anyway, how good is Radikal 2 and Karousel?

There’s always a solution. One option I have considered is to ditch surround system altogether. Make things more simple, more elegant.

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And play it through HiFi system.


There is another solution. Where the records are currently, move all the AV stuff to that point and have a low slung TV rack and put just centre speaker under TV and nothing else. Get rid of fish tank and move records to that

Relocate fish tank somewhere else! Will look sleeker.

No disrespect particularly to Audio T but retail should be as much if not more about listening as well as talking to your customers. Hopefully they have taken on board what you are saying.


Dan, do you actually find time to listen to any music at all? :joy:

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I spend way to much time eye balling that system of yours Dan … Cant be healthy for me or my wallet :+1:


I started with Karousel so can’t offer anything constructive.

Went Mose Herc 2 to A Rad1. Good upgrade with reduced noise floor. Then went to A Rad2 and what a difference. Noise floor much reduced again and the music became clearer.

Getting Keeled by Peter tomorrow. I’m definitely committed to this deck. Can’t believe I went 35 years with no TT.


The Keel is the icing on the cake!


Music is playing all the time system is being tweaked. Know that!

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What you thinking of doing now then?