System Pics 2023

I thought you were supposed to switch them off disconnecting cables, etc, when moving boxes about. But,hey, I’m pretty sure you know what you’re doing. Have fun!:sunglasses:

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Audio T advised me to get Karousel first. Then Radikal. Then tonearm upgrade but said I am good with Kore and upgraded Akito. Also said Lingo 4 was massive upgrade on Lingo 1 but try to get Radikal if you can. Then get the EE8 switch.

Programme of upgrades in order.

At moment I am streaming all the time and loving it.

Not ready for loads of upgrades to turntable. Just sold my 82 which I upgraded with 52 so will consider Karousel upgrade to start with.

Rest of system apart from turntable doesn’t need anything.

Yes, there is the switch possibly and maybe a better block at some point.

The Karousel was on my list so perhaps this is next job to do.

Audio T Brighton are very good. At end of day I have old school set up and they want to sell new gear.

They are not pushy at all and are very good. They just said with my streaming and NAS set up they can’t see point of having a CD player. They have a point.

But it’s my system and am keeping CDS2 and XPS2. I can’t keep buying and selling them on a whim. I have had 2 CDS2s and a CDS3.


Yes, my understanding is to upgrade the bearing first. I’m told it’s quite an improvement over the Cirkus bearing.

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Hi Dan,
After going through a major (and expensive) re-jigging of your system, it looks simply right, something that is surprisingly hard to achieve. I wish you many years of musical delight from it.

Best regards, BF


Obviously I switch them off. But doesn’t take long to swap things around. Maybe 10 mins here and there and back on.

I am an expert at moving these things around and changing out cables and reordering things.

It’s not difficult! I came home tonight,and got two sheets of glass in about 10 mins. Had to take LP12 out. Move NDS to middle rack. Then two Fraim shelves off left rack. ND5XS2 out temporarily. And then put it all back together.

For me getting those two sheets of glass in was finishing the look of the system!

All good ! :sunglasses:


Looks fantastic, Dan. Time to pour a large one, put your feet up and enjoy it! :blush:


@Tony I am pouring one for you as well. And will drink it in your absence! :smiley:



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Thanks BF,

The design of the system racking and putting the racks on the left wall is thanks only to everyone here. Suggestions, tweaks, new ideas and support.

It’s a big system but it’s alot easier to manage over three racks and cable dressing is easier too. My advice is to leave plenty of room behind so you can access some of it. And allow room so you can unplug kit from your block.

Previously it was very difficult to do anything. Now it ain’t easy but it is easier!

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It was an off the cuff remark as I was leaving rather than a chat about the needs of my system. They know I have evertyhing and haven’t involved them much in my system build.

I’ve build most up from dealers across the country, mostly through ebay, but have met dealers that way.

I have not been one of these guys who is dealer loyal!

Agree Dan / it’s your system

Keep the CDS2 & XPS2

Big part of the naim history and sounds really great

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Well I have been back on forth on this one so many times. And last time round I picked it up for a complete bargain, so even though it isn’t used much at the moment, I am keeping it. Feels right.

I go through phases. With upgrades to NDS with ND5XS2 I am using this all the time. I can see why people end uo with one source only and streaming is the easiest and best sound quality for money.

I am sure a big vinyl session is looming!


'89 IBL s in Mint condition delivered today, forming nearly vintage Naim system N.4 along with NDX, Rega P3, Nait50 temporary TaraLabs speaker cable


Yes we all go through phases

My biggest regret was selling the CD555/555PS

But it went to a good home so happy about that

Even though I have NDX2 and a couple of LP12’s I still enjoy playing CDs through the CD5XS as a transport and NDX2 dac - sounds really good


I do like your green Rega turntable


Thank you! My dealer also carried along two new Sondek fluted plinths, one in black Ash and the other in walnut. I can’ t decide now, since i was going for the latter, but It’ s a little less rich and pale veneer than another one non fluted he have, while the black one reminds me to a special build that was especially fine in '87 for the Italian Linn agent Antonio Trebbi. He also showed me an used Akito 3 in mint condition and Lingo 3. As soon as my funds will allow, i’ll build this one with Adikt cart

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If you are anything like me, black will grab your attention initially but Walnut may be for the longer term.


For veneer and tone, i’ d prefer the plain One but for me a Sondek has to be absolutely fluted


I agree. The plain one has a much nicer grain showing. However, you could hold out for a fluted one with a more distinct grain. When I got my LP12 I originally planned to replace the plinth with a plain black one but after a year or so, my fluted Afro grew on me and I would not consider changing after owning it for 12yrs+. :relieved: