System Pics 2023

Indeed! However these are the option available with him. He told me that this Is one of the best he had recently. Every time you order one Is a sort of lottery for tone & veneer. It’ s a pity that afromosia Is no longer available, i owned three Sondek in the '80/90s in afro.For the record my Linn dealer Grammofon of Cremona Is one of the very few Sondek Specialist remained in Italy


I’m not sure whether it’s the cable or connection but it’s made a huge difference, I’d go as far as saying it’s made the biggest difference to my system I’ve ever experienced.

Clearer, cleaner, more detail, more nuance with much more timber/ texture and much tighter/stronger bass :loud_sound: :loud_sound: :loud_sound:

I’m planning on trying a master clock on the Mutec MC3+ USB next.

Maybe the new Mutec Nano or the Sotm or some other brand/make.

Do you have any experience in this area/field?

I’m not surprised. That LP12 is a beauty !


Always nice when something that seems so small, makes such a significant improvement :+1: Sorry, no experience with clocks, etc. My digital is still “basic” with just a streamer & a DAC. Think I might add a network switch (like the looks of the new LHY audio SW-6) first, just to see if I notice any changes. Seems to be two camps on network upgrades, those who have tried it & said it makes a difference & those that have networking background typically saying its not physically possible for it to make any difference.

As for Siltech, I was previously using a locally made, sold direct AES cable that was somewhat similar in construction to the Siltech I replaced it with. It used very good OCC silver, with Furutech gold plated connectors, that they had replaced the factory outer housings with nice custom SS pieces. Price wise, the local direct one was say ~$400 vs $580 for the Siltech. Obviously the Siltech would have much larger profit margins vs cost to manufacturer, so I was curious how they would compare (& was actually wondering if the Siltech wouldn’t perform as well). I was rather surprised with the improvements to sound, I think the best description would be “refined”, was better all around but it brought out more details while being smoother sounding at the same time (removed a layer of harshness). Siltech says they don’t release a new product unless it’s significantly better then the previous in both audible listening tests & measurements, Classic Anniversary only offered one model but the new Classic Legend series offer 3 price ranges 380, 680 & 880. I believe the 380 would be the upgraded version of what I already have, so thinking of stepping up to the 680D.

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The LP12 plinths are solid wood, not veneer.


hello Dan,

first congrats on your superb system and thx sharing your experiences to achieve it. Certainly a good “booster” to your health.

Curved tv’s can be wall mounted without problem. A lot of articles about this topic in the Benelux. Worth looking around on internet.


Yes of course, i meant wood grain

Have you said who made those very elegant plinths?

Linn OEM walnut plinths

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Naim Uniti Atom, Audiovector QR3 and Thorens DD204 w/AT-VM95SH. Clean and great sounding


Thank you, Linn must be feeling the heat from independents.

Very visually appealing!


What a great looking tt. I have no interest in vinyl or a very expensive LP12 but a non-functioning one would look great on my rack! LP12s do look great but so do some magnificent esoteric models.


Seems not.

@Paul52135’s 21 year old Linn plinth. Before most of the independents were a thing, I’m guessing.


That’s a lovely LP12, but I a bit biased - not least because I was born in Glasgow too!

Is that a Dynavector Karat 17D cartridge?

(And a Beatles LP, I imagine.)

I agree - I have no desire to go back to spinning records as a primary means of listening to music, but that doesn’t stop me lusting after turntables and wishing I could justify collecting a few!

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You might as well listen to what you’re spinning, surely?

Back in the 90’s i was a proud owner of the CDI… Most of my music was brought on CD. I get that i can carry on burning cd’s to my core but I just like the interaction with the physical product that no streamer no matter how good is ever going to give me. I wish naim still made a cd player that at least had the ability to be upgraded… I think im gonna do what youve done and keep an eye on the second hand market for one … Sorry i replied late mate. Ive just had a hernia opp and the things been giving me abit of bother (knocked myself out with painkillers) :grimacing:


These where my first naim speakers i purchased back in the early 90’s. I was still living at home so unfortunately they lived at the end of my bed. (My bedroom wasn’t much bigger than a shoebox). They still look fantastic today and that turntable looks stunning in green aswell :ok_hand:


Cds2 and xps could be the answer!