System Pics 2023

wonderful system - I love IBL


Isnā€™t it amazing how a 50 year old design can still look so cool?


Award winning even in its infancy. :+1:t2:


And now finally after months of buying bits and pieces, with a big delay due to getting a power amp sort of linked to the purchase of the S1 power amps, the study system is installed

Itā€™s been on for only an hour or so but already sounding rather good - used (but with recent screen) NDX, used (but serviced) 282 with napsc, quite an old hc, brand new 250dr (one of the last ever made) all on fraim left over from the statement introduction downstairs

Thanks again go to Acoustica for looking after me very well

Edited to add - forgot to say the speakers are nSats on wall brackets. This is the best I have heard them (not surprisingly as itā€™s the best amplification I have ever put up them :joy:)


Hell of a ā€˜Study Systemā€™!

I think the GEN1 NDX seems underrated around these parts - still sounds fantastic to meā€¦


Good to see the wine rack is part of your system! Love it. :grinning:

Yes - had NDX with supernait 3 for a while and really rated it (well ahead of the Atom and Nova that came afterwards) - this is another one a couple of years after I got rid of the first one I had to (part) fund my 808s. I think everyone gets hung up on the lack of Qobuz and it not being the latest platform, but sounds really good to me


All the worlds best for your health and your moments in front of your marvelous system!

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Thanks @Drago. Itā€™s an unusual stage to be in. To look at me you wouldnā€™t know thereā€™s anything wrong. If I wasnā€™t monitored I would have no idea. But cancer has potentially spread to liver. I have been knocking down internal walls all day and laying foundations over last week. I am fit as anything. But my overall health is unknown. What to do? Listen to my marvellous system. Have good food and a few drinks. Spend time with friends and family. Continue and live every day in the finest way I can. Good evening to you all!


Itā€™s a stunning looking LP12. The Ittok looks fantastic and fluted plinth simply wonderful. Enjoy the music!


Amen. Here endeth the lesson.


The ad is out now :wink:

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Thereā€™s a 552DR available in Norway for not much more. Iā€™d definitely stretch :blush:

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Saw it, but seems to have a bit of a strange history perhaps?:thinking:

Thank you!

First impression is a leaner mid bass and scale than my nSat, however, timing seems even better with ettrostatic like quality of the midrange


How are you getting on with the Prodigyā€™s?

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Iā€™m sure itā€™s safe. I bought my former NDX2 from him. Great guy. He also had a 300DR so sold his full system for another brand. Itā€™s just been on repair at naim HQ.

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Im in two minds so bringing home the prodigy 5ā€™s today. The ones are very revealing of recording quality, as listening to radio during the day they sound lean but feed them with something from qubuz and they transform, eg faithless sounds brilliant and boy are they fast and throw music into the room in comparison to the kef ls50ā€™s which are no slouch. Be interesting as to whether the bigger cabs will affect the tonality or just more bottom endā€¦ ill do a write up next weekā€¦


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My new listening area. Placements to be perfected. Having removed the large sofa (on which my former mate spent her last days at home with me on the cellphone without speaking) has added a live, spacious quality to the sound. Now Iā€™m waiting for something that does the same to my life.