System Pics 2023

That looks very harmonious @MaxBertola! Love all the warm tones, beautifully match your red TEAC too.

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I love the red TEAC too, it makes a good match with the sober black of the SN. I may sooner or later choose a more ‘visual’ TT… :sunglasses:

(The same friend who restored the Thorens TD145 and gave it to me has also rebuilt a splendid TD160 super with SME3009 and a beautiful shiny black plinth… I was ready to buy it but he gave it for free to a nephew for some occasion…) :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

A nice Garrard 301 with a nice wooden plinth would look super in your room! And if you ever get tired of the SN3 :open_mouth:, an Atelier du Triode amp. It would add to the beautiful mid century vibe. I’d love to see the original red covers on those green chairs. But now I am moving away from System Pics towards World of Interiors. Great room.

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Initial impressions… err wow! Huge bass but not boomy , well controlled and tight. Bizarrely I could not get 20.23 to work in this room , they boomed but the P5 is clearly an evolution.
I’ll post more as I have more time with them when the honeymoon period wanes.


Wow. :open_mouth:
What year was this Richard?


Many moons ago, when a friend of mine visited me he told me that I had more inventory than a local Hifi dealer. :laughing:


IIRC, it was around '76-77.


Ah, Jeffries HiFi, 4 Albert Parade, Eastbourne is where I got my Naim system from in the 1980’s and where I spent quite a lot of time, The Parade was just round the corner from where my girl-friend lived, and it became rather a joke when I would anounce I was just going up to Jeffries.

All still in use to this day…

Happy days…


Thanks for highlighting rebellious shelf I hadn’t noticed since buying psu xrs a month ago. Fortunately the soundstage is not affected :grinning::grinning:.
Job before Saturday night listening session :wine_glass::grinning:

Old Classics and no plans for New Classic. Yet…


Beautiful system @PBenny. Very nicely balanced and looks great in the space.

Beautiful and stylish, I guess it sounds great!

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Love the system and the bespoke (?) blinds with the vaulted ceiling @PBenny. What an interesting home.

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My CD5si was back with Naim when this photo was taken, I haven’t had the heart to remove Mrs Houdini’s scratching accoutrement .

Since them the CD5si is back and the turntable is with Audio T .

I am getting some seriously rich and full sounds from the Nait 50 and the Harbeths have significantly improved in the last few months (I find they can cope better with complex orchestral pieces)


Same here - I actually think it myself sometimes :laughing:

A crap mobile phone picture but a picture nonetheless

Usual dogs with 500 setup plus DAVE


Nait 50 / SBLs into action with a survival game (xbox stuff)

Nait 2 CB (do you copy) on standby just in case the N50 succumbs a fatale blow


Lovely systems you have there. What’s your current favourite? Obviously main system is better but sometimes the 2nd system which is lesser has other attributes!

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Thanks @Dan_M both equally as good in their own right. My daughters use the Nait 50 more than I do, music, xbox etc but occasionally when Vicki is using the main living space (TV stuff) I disappear into what we call the snug where the Nait 50 lives.
The Nait 50, ND5XS2 into SBLs is a cracking setup and in some respect delivers music with a different more raw sound to the 500 setup.


Yes, That makes perfect sense. My son’s Nait 3 with Thorens TD160 with Rega Ela speakers sounds fantastic.