System Pics 2023

I never get tired of my NAP500, both the looks and its performance. Gentle, yet dramatic dynamic when needed. It’s such a beauty and I just can’t put it further down the rack because we like to say hi to each other everyday :green_heart: :black_heart: Finding synergy is a long journey indeed. But my oh my is there synergy between 552, 500, NDS :black_heart: The NDS+555PSDR much more so than NDX2 + 555PSDR.


You look set up for serious :face_with_monocle: bit of a/b testing over the weekend. Enjoy. (Without trying to prejudge the P5’s look the biz and great vfm).

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Great photo set :+1:

Love the darker, moody ambience.
(Actually quite tricky to capture in a photo).


Having moved the room round earlier in the year I now have new cables and new listening sofa, which Im very pleased with ! Not sure if this is the final system positioning. Its seems rather bright at the moment. The acoustic panels are not positioned properly yet.


I’m interested in these too. Sounded great with my nova in the dealers demo room. I went to audition the 21i and 22i but preferred the sound of prodigy5 floorstanders which surprised me. Much smoother…

CD5 playing this morning.

I sometimes forget how much better this player is than the Marantz it replaced some years ago now. Lovely! It might be low down in Naim’s hierarchy, but it still sounds flipping good in absolute terms.

Listening to a Lost Map records sampler.


Wow! Just wow… I need that so bad!

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Your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and Thor swapping places in prep for redeploying the Densen gear in the cabin.

Technics and Guru’s providing some great sounds.


Yes indeed. Although I am and have been in audio nirvana with Statement for a while now. Yes, it needs looking into and I will but at the moment I don’t want to touch anything!!


Agreed although this is not the current “resting” place of the speakers, this pic was taken during my “playing” of speaker position after Statement arrived!


Dem dem and dem again is all that I can say, although as noted it is there in my system :+1:

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Thank you so much for this wonderful comment. I spent a long time contemplating my decision. My ever supportive wife is and still to this day has supported my decision.A decision we spent a long time discussing. My joy in life apart from my children and marriage is music, it always has been for as long as I can remember. I don’t play golf, i drive a very modest car.I enjoy cooking good food at home, good wine and enjoy great company. For me, my journey I decided on my passion to enjoy music. What surprises me, and is a good “leveller” is my Gen 1 Muso still floats my boat when i’m in the kitchen on a Saturday afternoon cooking up a nice meal with my wife. It still turns my head or ear…you know what I mean!!! Is it the system, or is it the music? I know where my heart lies with this!!


May I just add, I have been overwhelmed with your kind and gracious comments and “likes”, thank you all.
We all share a common passion, music. Naim create wonderful electronics that allow us to do this. I don’t mean to over simplify the great work Naim do, and continue to do. We are blessed to enjoy music, via Naim and the wonderful dealers who share our passion (and bank accounts :joy::joy:).

We are all on our own journeys and @Dan_M reminded me of the importance of living life to its full. I am often reminded that although a swan looks in control and supreme when on top of the water swimming…little do we know how those legs out of sight are kicking just to stay afloat.

Anyways, I love seeing all your wonderful pictures. It’s good we do this!

Keep em coming!!

Over to you!!!


This is definitely one of the most likable posts I’ve read here in the past few weeks or even months.

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Hi Gaza.

Most Saturday afternoons on my own…vacations pah! I gave up on vacations when I bought Statement :wink::joy:


Worth a try……enjoy, you have earned it👍

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Thank you.

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O well spotted! I often think everyone here has “ bat ears”
I forgot how well you see things!! Yes, HD820 headphones. Brought without a dem, foolish I know. Suffice to say I really enjoy them. They are driven by the mighty fine Atom HSE, although I don’t think my “naff” photography skills shows it on the Fraim. I still enjoy the solitude of headphones. My family can watch (and i’m not at liberty to say enjoyment tv!!) Saturday TV whilst I can continue to enjoy music without impacting the family too much!


Got my new NAB-adapters from Nagravox in Australia today. They are important to the feel of handling a R-2-R. These I think are beautiful and “bling”.


Loved my CD5 it was still going strong when I traded this in for a CDS3 some 15 years later, completely wiped the floor with similar priced players at the time of buying such as those from Musical Fidelity and Arcam. Always appreciated the opportunity to upgrade Naim units, had a Flatcap 2 then Hi Cap on this player, really made such a difference.

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