System Pics 2023

hello Adam,
did you try the guru’s with the SN3 ? So yes, pleased with the sound ?

I know that feeling - as much as I enjoy my main system, I still get so much musical enjoyment from my Mu-so in the kitchen area (used to be a Mu-so Qb, but that’s now in the home office).

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It used to go like that:


And now it goes like this:


Nice change.

Hi Dico, yes I did. I used to have two pairs of Gurus as I bought the Mk1’s when they came out and likewise when the mk2’s did.

I switched between the two of them for years between the cabin system, which was then Densen based and the system in the house with the naim gear.

They sounded great on both.

During covid got the itch for something that on those really rare occasions it was called for would go louder than a Guru at maximum tilt just as the blue lights start to flicker. Now I know that Guru say that you can still crank them up without fear when the light is going and it’s more of a qualitative measure, but as soon as I see that light I always back off.

With all the reviews and thinking it could be a future classic I bought a pair of Kef Ls50 metas. From a positioning point of view they couldn’t be more different than the Gurus, with the Kefs being real divas to get the absolute best from them.

This was then followed by two Ks-62 subs, launched a bit after the Metas.

I sold the mk2’s to a mate, who had also bought the metas and the Gurus transformed his system, especially as he has a really difficult room, his Ls50’s sounded really quite poor.

I kept the Mk1’s over the 2’s because just felt that had that little bit more magic and I’ve now split the subs with one in each system, which made the dog a bit happier as the second one went in one of his resting spots in the room with the Naim gear.

I could easily live with the Gurus on the end of the Supernait, they make a really special pairing. The Ls50’s and kc-62 combination took a lot of positioning to sound as they do now.

The Guru’s also pair brilliantly with the KC62 sub and the blue light is rarely triggered and that’s at some seriously high levels. The Technics amp also gels really well with them, they are really onto something with this the Gu700m2 and it’s bigger brother the 1000.

Am now contemplating the new Rega Aya to pair with the newly serviced and restored Densen gear and fire them across the cabin towards the sofa.

Hi MJ,

the friend who restored the TD145 and gave it to me has a wonderful 401 with SME 3012 and a modified Denon DL103. I am often undecided about the level of quality I want for a turntable; my former P2 had a good arm but didn’t rotate precisely enough for my ears, a subsequent Technics SL1510 was the exact opposite. I’d love a black plinth.

I’ve been down to my knees in midcentury style when I had PrimaLuna amp and Klipsch Heresy IIIs; I regret that a little… Perhaps now, with more free space, they would work.

I have a Supernait 1 not a 3… I’m one of those who love it.

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In my younger days I used to compose and record music with a few friends. We had reel to reels and conjured up all sort of tricks to obtain good recordings… Reel to reel tape recorders still touch a spot in my heart.


Lovely :grin:


Lovely system you have built there. :+1:

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A Garrard 401 with a 12" SME arm are from an earlier age, but who’s to say how much real improvement since those beasts were in their pomp?

Thank you :blush:

I bought a CD5si recently , I’ve added a Chord Shawline power supply and Chord Shawline interconnects (next stop -some isolation pucks) and it is sounding very good


My friend says it still spins at exactly 33.33. As for the rest, serious engineering, reliability, tradition and a strong feeling of ownership I believe…

Thanks!:smiley: I have exactly the same cans and I run them from HDV820. They are fabulous, but they need a proper source (amp too of course), with the ND555 they shine like a diamond :wink:

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Now I’m used to my new hearing aids - maybe they’ve been running in ha ha - just can’t get over how good my little stereo sounds.


It would sound better on a dedicated rack/stand…


3 rack Mana :smile:


But you don’t know that, as you haven’t done a comparison between a dedicated rack/stand and my little table. It’s just hifi orthodoxy that makes you suggest it.


Like many of your suggestions on here. You know it’s a compromise, but that’s fine; you clearly enjoy the system and that’s all that matters. :+1:

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