System Pics 2023

What you wrote there is so painfully true…the time/money conundrum.

As I will joke in a store if I see a parent with a crying toddler in the cart (assuming they seem receptive), “You mean you haven’t told him that this is the best his life will ever be?”

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Rory Gallacher Strat for me :grinning:

I lived in Scotland in the mid 90s, there was a Diesel Jeans TV advertisement with a Down syndrome chap saying

“problem, I have no problem”

that add always made me smile because it was excellent.
I feel the same way about my system. It is excellent!
I don’t feel I have a problem :wink:

For those having ocd issues about the different positions of the racks, I had to pull the LP 12 Forward as I was having space issues with my tap on wall plugs behind it. The setup is in a different room from the Sl2 speakers.


Nothing changed and thankfully all running as it should. It’s sounded particularly good this afternoon listening Angie McMahons new album aptly named.


That’s awesome, and to add a favourite expression of mine (often used to irritate mother): A problem is a manifestation of the mind.


On two bikes with S. on a splendid summer day, riding on this road to a lovely beach, nothing but a T-shirt, shorts, hot air on my body and she pedaling before me.

Sorry Mark, this is the best my life has ever been.

Back on topic, sorry for the digression.


I also lived in Japan for a few years, but I couldn’t really understand a lot what was going on there. Well just enough to get by.
Scotland was hard enough to tell you the truth :laughing:


Great to see a 52 with a 500 set up. Why have you got so much Mana shelves? Is there an advantage in sound quality? I like the set up. Bet is sounds awesome. Did you have 135s before 500? What is difference in sound? Thanks.

Best wishes



Hey Dan , yes I did have a very lovely set of 135 mono’s. Yes, I do miss them in the aspect of breaking up the big olive system. Moving forward in the quest the 500 was the obvious step to run the sl2 speakers and by goodness they grab by its throat. The only thing I miss this about 135 was it’s beautiful forwad midrange which wasn’t ideal with Sl2, but still, it was quite a character in every other respect 500 completely has it over the 135, I’ve never go back to them, unless it’s all a different system. I love the 500 and wish I had a tee shirt! As I’ve said before sl2 need a 500 period.
Imo perfere Mana over Fraim as properly setup mana is hard to better imo.
The main difference between the 135 and the 500s…. The price :joy: but for that money you get the grip the lower noisefloor, the musicality the dampening factor it s about just everything is better by a long shot mate really just get one if you can.


I had this DAC only for a trial period of some days in the house because my dealer highly recommended it. Decision made: The AADac won‘t go back.It‘s a gorgeous piece of equipment which is, after being integrated into my system, a joy to listen to (with Naim NDX2). The external DAC adds some substantial quality to the music delivered by the streamer. Some say they are unable to hear differences between DACs. I clearly do hear the difference to the stand alone streamer mode. The air between my Marten Parker Duo is filled with more three dimensional space and clarity, pushing the music forward with energetic ease. I am a happy listener these days.

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I understand, my friend.

I like the photos of your living room with the hifi system. Having never had or listened to either pair of speakers but to be honest the S-400s are much nicer than the D 30s.


I was wondering… have you ever had the chance to compare the AADac to its predecessor, the Audio Analogue Vivace?

Hopefully you will have a chance to give them both a listen some day. I could live with the S-400 or D30RS speakers but having had to listen to both pair in my living room I found the ProAc speakers to sound better.

Once again, my ears, my room, my system.


No, sorry. Unfortunately not.

I know you do!

It would be curious to know, I suspect there’s a big difference is SQ from the old Vivace. I went from the Vivace to the NDX2, for me that was a huge uplift in SQ. We basically had the opposite experience.

What streaming device did you use with the Vivace? The in build DAC of the NDX2 isn‘t the best you can find on the market. That‘s why I tried the eternal DAC solution with which I am very happy now. But I have no clue whether there is an upgrade from the former Vivace to the AADac.

I hope so seakayak. I met a ProAc owner at Rome hiFidelity last weekend. I’m sorry I didn’t see any models on display at this year’s show. I’ll probably go listen to the D 38 at this guy’s house. In the meantime I will enjoy the sound of my humble Arivas.


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Lovely system but why are you listening in mono?