System Pics 2023

Hi Alex the Keltiks are 4 way
Bass inner
Bass outer
Each amp configured left right .

4 days in for the new NC250 and the whole system was off prior to the new power amps .
Active systems can take a wee bit to settle.
I’ve left the 4 250 s on 24/7 at mo but once settled I will flick switch on back to music sensing .


Many thanks. I find systems like these very interesting due to their active/multi-amp nature. I can imagine the amplification has plenty in reserve!

Nice looking speakers. Are the Keltiks isobaric?

Oh, I see you’ve answered that.

My simplified system with isolation pucks for the CD player - and er Christmas tree


What a cheery space. :smiling_face:


I like bright yellow , if I ever treat myself to an LP12 it will either be a custom plinth or

I can just imagine the deep joy some people would feel if an LP12 like that would appear on the "show us your turntable " thread .


New system for 2024 and probably some more years now.
Guess what changed?
A Chord M6 Powerhaus is on its way too.


200 Series NAP 250, how you finding it?

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When I ordered mine, I very nearly ordered a blue one…:face_with_peeking_eye:
…but I saw sense and stayed with Cherry. It matches speakers & racks perfectly😊


@QuickSticks @Ian2001 there’s certainly something about a classic wooden plinthed (that’s a word!?) LP12. But both those solid colour versions would look fabulous too!


Very nice, very nice indeed

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Wonderful :+1::hugs:

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How’s it sounding @Mark63? NAC 332 is on my radar and I don’t want to give up my front-end

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Very Blue Note Jazz Themed. :+1:t2:

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My son was the instigator of the idea of a blue one, but in all honesty it was fairly certain that I would have a Cherry one🙂

Hi @marcusman, fantastic thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think you need worry about your source being up to the job, the nDAC is working out really well here. I’m running it without the power supply at the moment and I reckon it’s sounding better than it did before in terms of detail extraction, the tone I like so much is still there with all the added benefits of the clarity, dynamics and quietness of the new boxes. I know the uplift the power supply brought very well so I’m using all the restraint I can manage to keep things as they are until the new boxes have settled down, it’s something to look forward to :slightly_smiling_face:
Much as I loved my 282 the 332 feels leagues ahead even this early on.


Thanks. Good to know first hand how it sounds. Good luck holding back! Have strength! lol.

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I understand!


Yellow is such a happy colour.

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And it will only get better. My 332 really kicked in at around 4-5 weeks.