System Pics 2023

I did the same thing a week or so ago, it was quickly highlighted by another member.


Haha! So I am not the only one. The Rega Aura has a mono button Iā€™ve left on a few times.



The VUs arenā€™t blue they are lit in a cool white.
The phone camera seems to make it blue.


I will have a cognac on the rocks :slight_smile:

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Hey Neil, you are convincing me that I need to rearrange the cabin system and give the Technics some more space.

Yours looks suitably imposing in the rack, I can feel a rearrange coming on for the Christmas break.

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Early morning reshuffle complete, couldnā€™t shift whole setup to the left wall as speaker cables not long enough, so will see how this goes.

Technics looks more at ease with some space around it.


Now that looks like a proper cabin :+1:

Cheers, itā€™s a cracking place to spend time in for sure.


This makes me feel like a complete newb :slight_smile: Absolute envy :slight_smile:

i always wanted to ask how those Guruā€™s sounded that close to the wallā€¦and in what looks like a pretty reflective soundspace (minus the rugā€¦) always wanted to get a pair of Jrā€™s

so now iā€™m asking! :grinning:

The cabin is pretty well damped really, the mirrors are a legacy of my youngest who used to practise dance out there and behind the speakers, the floor is wood but only about 6 foot or so of it until it meets the rubberised tiles that all the gym gear sits on.

Guruā€™s designed to be close to a wall, Iā€™ve always found them the most accommodating speaker Iā€™ve owned for always turning up with their A game. I sold my second pair to a mate and they solved his really difficult room where he previously had Kef LS50 metas and they sounded awful. Iā€™ve got the metas on my Naim system so know how good they can sound but they take work and the environment has to be able to give them the room to sound their best.

Guruā€™s are stunning speakers for just keeping the tunes flowing, they are also pretty darned good at keeping the cash in your wallet because what they do so well few do.

Iā€™m putting together a third system to make use of my classic Densen gear and have pondered getting some Guru JRā€™s for that, given the environment they would need to work in. However seeing as they would cost more than I sold my QM10ā€™s to my mate Iā€™m holding back presently. Based on prices for QM10ā€™s he got a steal of less than half the going rate, but I suppose thatā€™s what mates are for. He previously had my B&W 805Nā€™s on loan for a decade :slight_smile:

Iā€™d say buy with confidence and then sit back and smile.


Sorry, just realised I wasnā€™t specific about how the Guruā€™s actually sound. For me their main strength is their coherence and timing. I listened to quite a few other speakers over the years Iā€™ve had the Gurus (I had my first pair when they originally came out, so its quite some time) and none could match their innate ability to play a tune and this was always with significantly more expensive speakers.

Even at low volumes they have dynamics and just seem better able than most to track the tempo / ebb and flow of whatever music they are playing.

For their size they pack a punch, but its not overly emphasised, more just has a scale that sounds realistic, they are definitely not box bound in how they project.

So each time Iā€™ve ever gone looking for ā€œmoreā€ it has usually ended up in hearing the compromises of other designs where they didnā€™t achieve the greater than the sum of its parts that the Guruā€™s do. Even if say in isolation a speaker might have greater transparency, this has come at a downturn in coherence.

Biggest downside to them is their loudness ceiling, now they go loud enough for most of the time but just sometimes you want a bit more. Even here Iā€™m not sure they wonā€™t go louder, its just they have their blue warning lights that go off and I will always back off at that point, they do say its not they wonā€™t go louder, just that the integrity of the sound is starting to be degraded. Other speakers you might never know as no warning light to warn you.

When in the in house system they were firing across a room of approx. 4M by 6M long. The cabin is similar dimensions but they fire down the longer dimension there, sounded the same in both situations but I would guess the 6M length is about as big as you would want to go to drive the room in the way they do.


Hold off if you are after a pair of Juniors (I own a lovely walnut pair) as Guru are about to launch (in the next month) the Guru 8 which is the replacement for the Junior. Same size but larger drivers and more detailed. Also to come is the Guru 12 which is a slightly bigger stand mount (not much bigger) and is meant to be stunning by all accounts.

Gurus rock!

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Hey @anon27418182 , where are you getting the info from? I saw something about this on here a little while ago but nothing on the Guru website (which has always been underwhelming), which I check regularly.

I got both my Gurus before all their supply issues and when it all went south off the back of their success.

Iā€™d always be interested in a new Guru so any info gratefully received.

One more is following begin 2024, the Guru 42 floorstander.

Hi @Adam1

The horseā€™s mouth. Iā€™ve had contact at Guru for sometime and he has kept me in the loop. I have a PDF of the new lineup (photos, specs and prices). The Q10 and 28 will remain with the new additions.

The management has changed and production issues should be a thing of the past. I cannot wait for the new lineup and reviews as Guru speakers work brilliantly with Naim and are easy to place in most rooms.


be interesting to see how new ones bridge the gap to the QM10s

imagine that larger size box will still be tough to beat

perhaps i target those insteadā€¦

Iā€™ve posted an enquiry to them this evening, are you able to share the estimated prices for the models?

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I know the prices but not sure that I should share them here. Everything should be available soon enough. But I will say that the 8 is a bit more than the Jr price and the 12 is quite a bit more.