System Pics 2023

My first pair of Qm10’s were about 1600 and my second about the same due to a favourable discount from my dealer. When checking the website saw them at times up to 3k plus.

Juniors debuted at about 900 if memory recalls and then went to 1200 pretty quickly and I saw them at 1800 when 10’s were around 3k.

Will wait to see what comes out.

That’s current Guru website prices I was referring to.

Hey BR, have they got a new website, the one I’ve always used doesn’t have prices on anymore, only has the Q10 and the Q28 (which I don’t think has ever made it out yet) on there. It used to have a functional multi currency capability, but that went a while ago.

Yes that’s all I could see when I had a look (out of interest through these posts).

Moved the NAP 500DR to the top level. This way there is more space between the 500 and 552 head units. Call me crazy but I think it’s made a slight improvement to the sound. Late night listening at low volume means I cannot confirm this as of yet.


You are crazy😉 but you have a very nice system.


Thank you @silverback. It’s a shame I’m not getting any time to listen to it properly right now.


Hopefully the opportunity may accompany the Xmas break, bit of back ground music while entertaining family and friends or maybe a full on blow out New Year’s Eve bash.

Amazing how many people enjoy good music when they have had a drink :partying_face:


You would think right. Unfortunately I’m away from the weekend until the middle of next month due to work. :frowning:

That’s unfortunate but hopefully where ever you are you’ll enjoy some of the benefits of Christmas, after you can look forward to getting back to some quality time with your system.

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I love the 500 top level. I bought legs to move it to the bottom shelf but I can’t do it. I love looking at it and think it’s made to be placed top level :slight_smile: Black beauty :black_heart:


Been in touch with them via the contact us page and had some very swift email exchanges with Erik. Really like the look of the new 12 in its “Fog” finish.

Lovely clean lines.


Yes, but it isn’t found very easily (I’ll have a word). Search peopleaudio.

Cheers BR, in a email trail now, super tempted.

Thanks for the Guru nudge BR, I’ve done what you should never do and ordered a pair without an audition, however, I’ve had two pairs of Guru’s, nearly bought the Q60’s earlier in the year and I’ve heard the Juniors, all have been superb. Had to debate between the Oak or the Fog finish, went Fog in the end.

Looking forward to January now…


That escalated quickly! :smiley:

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Yeah, I know, I’ve been working some stupid hours with little sleep so I could blame that.

Or just accepting resistance is futile when presented with the chance to get in early again with a bit of a Guru reboot.

I did have one eye on new speakers for the new year, and Neat Petites were probably front runners, so there was an initial level of commitment.

Erik at Guru also made it all so easy and was super helpful.

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That’s all a bit exciting.

edit : wish I could make decisions that quickly :joy:

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To be fair the lack of a listen makes it in many ways easier, as in it reduced the variables whilst accepting it increases the risk.

My risk mitigation is I haven’t heard a bad Guru, so hopefully I don’t break that trend.

What do you think of the Kerr speakers?