System Pics 2023

Top of the evening to you, a lovely set up and welcome to the forum.


Interesting, with me Nait50 50 seems perfectly at ease with S600 but lacking with IBL where 202/HC/200 Is a perfect match. Itā€™ s also very good with nSat


Welcome to the forum! :+1:

You have a lovely setup. I have 17 years old 803S and I would love to own the 803D4 if I would have the assets.

Happy holidays and don`t hesitate posting what you want. My English is also not really good but nobody cares here :wink:


Lovely set up quite similar to mine although your living room is more elegant. I think you should have said B&W 803d4 in your list of equipment, rather than 804d4, based on your profile and the picture!

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Itā€™s certainly far easier without all that stuff. Iā€™ve written a few times that having had a 552 etc I no longer hanker after one. When I read about the New Classics I simply think ā€˜that looks niceā€™ rather than ā€˜Iā€™d like to have thatā€™. Itā€™s so easy to get caught in the never ending upgrade spiral - it was for me anyway. Some are prone to upgraditis while some can happily live with the same stuff for decades. I sometimes wish Iā€™d stuck with the Linn, CDI, 82, 250 and SBLs that I had in the mid 90s. It was a great system and in hindsight there was no need to change a thing. Oh well.


oh yes, sorry, of course it is a B&W 803D4

thanks for your notice :+1:t2:

and thanks for the warm welcome everyone :blush:


I tend to agree with you Nigel and will happily stick where I am. Where we differ is that I remain happy with a comparatively large system. I think SBLs help in that they are very discreet (as were your SL2s).


Power cut this am for a planned four hours.
So system is

Technology to the rescue, mobile network, internet and wifi allows me to stay connected to the very best in music. All together now

ā€œLast Christmas I gave you my heartā€



Great setup, good to have you on board. :+1:


Very nice toošŸ‘


My latest upgrade - very revealingā€¦
Big Ears


Hi @HungryHalibut, isnā€™t that because youā€™ve experienced a large system and have enjoyed hearing the difference for each step up you took? Enjoyed discussing the changes, experimenting with tweaks etc? Many on here, including myself, are taking that same journey now. Iā€™m certainly enjoying it, and consider myself very lucky that I can.
There will be a point when Iā€™ll downsize for simplicity as hearing will inevitably decrease etc, probably to whatever the SN3 or Nova equivalent is at the time, but until then these new boxes will not be going anywhere ā€¦ I have no desire, or frankly ability, to go any higher up the range than the 300 series, this is more than good enough for me ā€¦ and thatā€™s actually quite a nice feeling :slightly_smiling_face:


Strange. When itā€™s about upgrading itā€™s all about sound quality. When itā€™s about downgrading itā€™s all about convenience.
People who have a full 500 system did obviously afford it; moving to a Nait 50 is hardly a matter of pocketing money. I wonder - is it a lurking, inherent mistrust of multiple cabling? Do wives really matter? Is it a metaphysical inclination to simplicity? So what was the impulse towards complexity in reality, to begin with?
I wonder about these things.


Downsizing is the new upgraditis!

It is catching on fast.


I may follow suit. See above :grinning:

Downsizing is not without its challenges. Here we are in my high tech workshop installing a new logo bar on my Nova. The first two went droopy so this is take 3. Hopefully the Superglue will achieve what the clearly insufficiently sticky double sided tape cannot manage alone.

I have a theory as to why this is happening, which I have passed on to Naim for investigation.


Not here it isnā€™t :grimacing:


Tim, you are doing a sterling job in counteracting the downsizers. Keep it up!!


That Uniti glue ainā€™t a patch on the pukka 500 glue.


Naim have to find development funds from somewhere, although I have made a fair contribution over the years.