System Pics 2023

Possibly a more difficult impedance curve on the IBLs, Roberto. So they need more grunt.

Sure as hell isnā€™t here either! :sunglasses:


Huzzah! Oh, and I think @Dan_M might have something to say about this too :joy:


Running a ten box system here too, on a two stack Fraim plus an old Ikea cube. If I ever do go for a Naim streamer + PSU, Iā€™ll need a third stack of Fraim.

Also have the ā€œlifestyleā€ one box solutions of a Nova and a Muso QB in other parts of the house.


Is there a photo of you on the Naim marketing teamā€™s wall? My son used to joke that the apple marketing team had one of me! But yesā€¦ More boxes!! :joy:

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Iā€™m more of the Maximalism - ā€˜more is moreā€™ Philosophy :slightly_smiling_face:

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It is possible to downsize AND upgrade at the same time. I speak from experience.

It does, however, mean a move away from NAIMā€¦


A small update. I spoke with Naim at about 1pm today, and explained my theory that the bar was drooping because there was a tiny step between the two halves of the chassis, of about 0.25mm. I sent them a photo of the bottom of the Nova so that they could investigate.

I didnā€™t expect to hear any more about it and was quite happy with my new superglued logo bar.

However, I received a call from Naim a little while ago saying that they have looked into the problem and that the bottom should be dead flat. They donā€™t feel I should be making do and my Nova should be perfect. They are therefore going to swap mine for a brand new one. Well, that was a nice surprise, especially as I hadnā€™t even considered asking for an exchange, and hats off to Naim.


Naim customer care is always top notch based on my observations and experience. Glad you were able to get everything sorted.

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Most of us would not have bothered to investigate so thoroughly Nigel. You have quite rightly been rewarded, Happy XmasšŸ‘

That is actually impressive customer service!


Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s out of the normal routine for such a problem. Maybe they know you write a lot on this forum.



Letā€™s not be cynical. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d do the same for anyone who inadvertently gets a faulty unit. I certainly didnā€™t ask for a replacement or any particular favours. Itā€™s just good customer service.


I believe you are wrong if you believe naim swap all Novas that have this issue for a new one no matter age of the product. Itā€™s not a cheap product but the issue is a cheap fix. Iā€™m sure you got special treatment for some reason. I mean, people send more expensive Naim products all over the globe to repair stuck relays but a plastic part that gets loose and you get a new unit. Doesnā€™t make sense.

How old was yours?


Good to see customer loyalty rewarded with great customer service, result.

Welcome Olaf, thatā€™s a very nice room and setup you have there! Donā€™t worry about your English, Iā€™m 66 years old, English, and still struggle with the language, lol.


May I say dear boy, you have an excellent taste in tinned fruit!

Youā€™ll have a Nova Nova then.