System Pics 2023

The initial problem with logos dropping off was back in 2018, caused by adhesive that was too weak. This was fixed by changing the adhesive tape. My problem arose because the unit had been assembled very slightly incorrectly, which I only discovered today while fitting the bar. So it’s a different situation, and I’m sure any other unit exhibiting the problem would be replaced. My unit dated from late 2022, so it’s only just over a year old. Like I said, I didn’t mention or ask for a new unit, all I wanted was a non droopy logo bar. Naim wanted mine to be perfect, as it should be of course, so are supplying a new one. It’s something they should be commended for, with no need for any negativity whatsoever.


Looks like a cracking system. All top of the line kit. Well done you and welcome to the forum!

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Three stack Fraim with streamer ND555 and 555PSDR would be great in your system. Or NDX2/NDS with 555PSDR. And don’t forget the Naim Core or suitable NAS drive equivalent. Would work well with rest of your system. I am contemplating selling CDS2 but part of me is clinging on to it ! I am not ready to let it go!

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That Tiger tank reminds me of Clint Eastwood et al in the hugely fun ‘Kelly’s Heroes’!

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Ha ha, yes. It will be nice to have a brand new one, as I bought mine ex dem, albeit only a few weeks old. The speakers were new too, though the PowerLine was used, as was your cast-off remote!

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Not including power supply for new Phono stage I have just bought I am at a 13 box system all on Fraim. I am considering dropping 2 boxes with CDS2 and XPS2 but will wait on that one.

The only way I can see downsizing is getting a Radikal 1 or 2 and Urika which will reduce box count by one. And changing streaming from 3 box to 2 box and then saying goodbye to CDS2 and XPS2. So that would be 9 boxes.

But I like all the boxes. And I run two sets of speakers from this system: one to listening room and then second to conservatory through a speaker switch. So there is cable running everywhere!

I love the big system.


You are right to take your time on this. You may regret it. Just keep it going until it finally dies, and sell the XPS. That’s my plan with mine.

Nice to have a fresh 5 year warranty too if you register it. Naim are to be commended, I recently received a brand new NDX2 & SN3 after 4 years plus 2 PL’s for good measure, mind you I did have a lot of issues including on previous kit but at least this was acknowledged.

It is very location dependent to be fair. If you follow what has been happening in Australia and New Zealand it’s been far from good unfortunately. Which is disappointing when a UK Nova is replaced for a droopy light and people here are stuck with faulty units.


I have a Nova for streaming duties, and a NAS drive with 2.5k+ cd ripped to it, and a Qobuz subscription. Streaming and I don’t get on too well. I have an awful habit of flitting from one track to another, usually not letting the tracks finish before I move on. So spending lumps of money on something that I ultimately find unsatisfying probably is not going to happen. However, I don’t exclude the possibility. I would rather get a R2R deck first and have fun exploring the possibilities with that.

Loving the way your system is evolving Dan. It’s been a pleasure to watch. More to come I suspect.


I got a phone call from Audio T Brighton today to say that the LP12 is ready. I asked how it is sounding. John sounded really enthusiastic and said it sounds sweet. They are testing it with my Lingo 1 as well which is now the only weakness in the set up. When I got Karousel installed a few weeks ago the answer was sounds good. So by the sounds of things the 4 new upgrades have improved things considerably. Hopefully I can pick up tomorrow on the way back from hospital. Otherwise saturday. Will be able to listen to the LP12 lots over Christmas!


With your system and an absolutely stunning LP12 I would consider upgrading your cart which I take is AT VMN60SLC to a low output MC cart.

I get why you don’t want to go down streaming platform. If it does everything that you want leave it all as it is.

I am working on basis that I have 2 years to live so am upgrading and changing things out in somewhat haste. I wouldn’t be doing this at this rate.

But I am enjoying the ride. The system upgrades aren’t done yet!

Watch this space!


Oops! That’s a new cart. It was discovered while I was having the Keel fitted that my previous cart was finished. It’s MM as was the previous one, so was a reasonable choice since I have a Stageline N for MM carts. No need to worry about a new phonostage.

My next cart will be MC so I can hear for myself what that brings to the party. I won’t however spend a great deal on it as I play some dodgy records and would hate to wear out a £5k cart prematurely.

Your speeding up of your upgrade path is most understandable. As before, I wish you the very best and hope that you get some great news soon.

In the meantime, enjoy the upgrades to your deck, and may you have many hours great listening over the Yule period.



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We don’t eat a lot of tinned fruit, but when we do it needs to be decent.

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Was this.

Now this.




Seriously though, it looks very nice indeed.


“And I had it with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.”


I blame the fishy one. :wink:

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And the inside reveal. :thinking:

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