System Pics 2023

About that, yes.

The Linn presentation is different to Naim as you would expect. However, I would say both are excellent in their own right.

Naim has the PRaT presentation with perhaps a bit more slam. Whereas Linn is more refined with excellent timing and detail.

Although, I’m not familiar with the Linn separates system or the Naim single box sound. I don’t think neither will let you down.


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I’ve considered using a non-Naim streamer too, and moving away from the Naim app and Naim multiroom would be an issue to consider. It’s not insurmountable though, as there are other multiroom options such as Airplay, Chromecast or Roon that could work across different brands.

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Years ago my system was 80% Linn.
Intek Integrated Amp, Genki CD and of course my Keilidh’s, with just my TT being my old Project Perspective.
It was a system I ran for over 20 years, that generated a very enjoyable sound.
I did consider Linn when I started my Naim journey, but the initial cost was higher than I wanted to spend. Once I bought the 202/200 I was bitten by the Naim bug and that very distinctive signature.
I doubt I will be coming away from it in the future…


Good point Chris. Naim multiroom does make it simple though, as you can just touch the icon in the unit that’s already playing and off it goes to the others. Roon may do it of course, but it’s something I’ve never felt the need for. The Naim app has its detractors, but it does everything we need.


We don’t have a multi-room setup, but do use Echo devices in other rooms, usually to play Jazz24 or control lights, etc.

Did try a multi-room Sonos system once, but we just couldn’t get it to work. Also tried the Muso-Qb. However, had problems with that as well. But I think that may have been down to problems with the BT Wi-Fi, which we have since changed and gone full fibre with Giagclear.

I do have an office system, which uses my PC for streaming into a Khadas DAC, then to a SMSL SA300 Amp into Q Acoustics 2020i speakers, either playing Qobuz or Jazz24.


Exactly. I often say that to Mrs BigAl: things do go wrong. It is how that is handled that is important.

Documenting my (main) system as of end of 2023, before I have to cover it up and unplug them because I’m going to leave them for a couple of weeks holiday trip to down under.

Potential upgrade, second 555PS for ND555 (of course​:roll_eyes:), but no more space left :man_facepalming:t2:. But it’s a major improvement already from naked NDX2 previously. So for now, I think this is my end game :grimacing::crossed_fingers:


It would sound better with the 500 on the left and the two power supplies on the right. Having the 552 above a big transformer is not a good idea. Free upgrade.


Just cannot resist making this comment…
Naim prides itself on PRaT, Linn (used to) focus on playing tunes.
In my experience, both companies meet both criteria and these concepts are closely related anyway. If either company produced products which failed in either of these domains, such products would sound poor. Which they don’t.

Forgive me… what is PRaT?

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Pace, Rhythm and Timing

I thought you had to stand on one leg and say this out loud 15 times before signing up here…! :rofl:


Exactly!..but I bet you know what music sounds like, and what well reproduced music sounds like. And (don’t set the grammar police on me) yet, I see PRaT all over these posts, as if this is the very definition of well reproduced music… I’ve not had Naim gear since the early 2000s, but then I would have said that did more than ☆☆☆☆.

Listening to Radio 3 on my beautiful re-capped Grundig Yacht Boy


I’ll say fifteen Hail Naims in penance… :joy:


Something is arriving later today… the chaos has begun!


And Merry Christmas to you too, Roberto. Just like you, I love IBLs. My Allaes are great though and far less demanding of the electronics. In your terms, Allaes are quite happy with a 1.4 litre transverse mounted 4 cylinder engine!


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What’s the “active” bit ???

Edit: Just seen your update and explanation.

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Think you meant Radikal change :wink:


Very nice! … but not end game if you’re saying “for now” :joy:


Genuine question: what does this mean?
[I am not familiar with Linn’s house sound.]