System Pics 2023

I’ll try to keep that “for now” for as long as possible :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smile:


The ‘tunedem’ used to focus on ease of following the tune, the interplay between the musicians, the musicians playing together (or, the musical conversation)…but, in fact, all of these, like PRaT, are just features of well reproduced music. House sound: I think that this is most likely to arise from how 'speakers are voiced, rather than anything else.

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Careful what you wish for, coming from a VMN60SLC the anemic finesse of a low output MC may not be that much of an upgrade.

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Noted, and thank you. My current cart is very very good. MC is just an itch I might scratch sometime.


And… we’re done! 2023 has been a bit of a year for the system. Started with the new ProAc speakers. That then crept into an Audiolab 9000 CDT, and then somehow an XPS DR and Supercap DR appeared. Of course then I had to get another rack from Solid-Sounds to match the old one so that it all looked nice…oh, some new speaker cable appeared mid-way through all that, and the Isoacoustic Oreas as well.

Apart from the slightly irritating update that’s now happening… it’s all looking rather lovely…

(There’s one level of rack remaining in a cupboard… for the inevitable upgrade at some point!)


For a split-second there, I thought those file boxes were new green (er, white) and black somethings!

Black boxes aside, that’s a very nice cabinet :+1:t3:

The black boxes are the blu-ray collection! They blend a bit better in real light… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Presumably, the six cubes are the perfect size to house a Vinyl collection…:thinking:

They would be, if I had any vinyl! That was a decision about 2 years ago to not go down that rabbit hole… :joy:


Best ‘Rabbit Hole’ there is if you ask me…:joy:


so you sold all and bought the top Organik streamer ? But where is the amp?

I did think about it, but I already have about 900 CDs so decided to stay on that trip. One day maybe… when I can afford to go out and buy a substantial amount of vinyl to make the outlay on the system worthwhile.

In the streamer, you can add amp modules to the selekt. The top organik streamer is the Klimax and that cannot have a built in amp added as far as I know.

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It has two Stereo Power Amp Cartridges that are fitted as extras.

You can have up to three cartridges fitted in the three available slots.



Nice! Btw, how does a guy from the UK end up with a UC Santa Cruz hat?!

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Thanks. I was over there in 2010 on a 4 week course in the summer. Great memories! :sunglasses:

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Diamonds don’t come as big as bricks

I would like to add something else. The Linn Selekt has fantastic space optimization. Since I can’t handle the bass in my room, I’ve been looking for solutions. The Nova is a top device, but I haven’t solved the problem with it. I remember discussions here that the DAC in the Nova is war away from the NDX2. With the Linn Organik DAC I now have an all-in-one device with a top DAC. I listened to the Selekt at home again for two weeks and also compared the MC input with my Goldnote PH10 plus PSU. I may also sell these two boxes. That would be another advantage. The Selekt Edition costs a lot of money in the edition version. 10k€ more (with the amp and the stereo organik) than the nova, no question. I find it exciting that the electronics between Selekt Classic and Edition are apparently identical. However, there is a big difference in sound. I can’t imagine that this is only the case because of the optimized housing. That’s my personal view at the moment, which is why I’m changing.

We also have 2 first generation Muso QBs.
Unfortunately I can only use Qobus via the Nova. I have been having problems connecting the devices in the multiroom for a long time because they are not displayed there, even though they are available in the app. So I connect via airplay and that works with the Linn too.


How do you like your Sopra N2? I have N1’s and thinking about moving up.

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I used to have N1 too before this. I moved up and never regret it. I feel the sound become more “meaty” and the treble is more realistic without causing fatigue (I don’t have enough english vocabulary to describe a sound quality :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, but you can see what I mean).

It’s never fatigue-ing either with N1, and the mids were full and real with N1, but I guess the additional two 7" woofers on N2 make even more and big improvement. I also put Isoacoustic Gaia I on its feet and that also must make something I guess.

In short, money well spent​:+1::+1:, BUT… need to have more patience for the long burn in period.