System Pics 2023

So you have now the Selekt (not the Nova anymore right)
What about sound…asking because would assume as “space Opt” impacting the bass, it should have not only benefits by “changing/affecting” the overall sound signature as well.

By the way your sign still mentionning the Nova :wink:

NC 250 taking a break, 222/NPX300 and Nait 50 running the main speakers Kerr K320s. What a flexibel and joyful system, either way both source first and systembalance imo :blush:


I ordered the select this week and it will be delivered end of January. I had a select at home twice in total over three weeks.

Crucial for me, the bass does not buzz, it is clear and dry. I didn’t notice any negative aspects when activating space optimization. The bass is the only difference for me. Sound is very detailed, very big room/ stage, good separation, authentical natural timbres. Groove and fun factor is no less for me than with the Nova. I was always surprised after returning the selekt how muffled and blurred the Nova sounded and was very dissatisfied


Would you mind to share how you find the nait 50 compare to NC250 please? Thank you in advance.

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My new Nova has now arrived at Audio T in Portsmouth. Considering that Naim suggested a replacement only two days ago, that’s pretty good going. Hopefully I’ll be able to pick it up tomorrow.


It’ll be interesting to hear how a non-run in device sounds against one fully run in. Typically you dont normally get to do that comparison side-by-side.

Fantastic setup :ok_hand:

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I find it hard to compare them, they perform very different in my setup. I would say they represent two different worlds and I could live with both. I would say 250 is much better, and at the same time not, they are just different and both great. I`m glad I own both and can switch between them now and then.



Loving the headphone stand can you give me a heads up on who the manufacturer is ?

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It’s the Focal headphone stand. £249 before you ask.


Thank you.

As HH advised, not cheap, but looks good and excellent quality.

Took me ages to find one and eventually got one pre-owned from a dealer at a better price.


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Full NC 300 at the moment with no power supplies.


Nice! The way you cropped the bottom of your photo is a little unfortunate though!


Yes you’re right.


Thx a lot

As I always had issue to manage the LF in my different flats😤, the Selekt was also on my list mainly because having this very precious “space optimisation”

I’ve tried the BeoLab 28 recently too and was also really impressed by the benefit of such function in a standard room…lot of benefit for speakers placement optimisation too…and not talking about the floor space required by the B28. Best WAF ever :joy:

Will then seriously reconsider a trial of the Selekt when I will be in my new flat .

Are you using TT ? (MC or MM)

Hi Stover,

Thank you for your reply. Congratulations! Both amps are great. I’m lucky enough to own a nait 50 as well. I wish you’re enjoying as I am.

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I use TT MC

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Sound good then :joy:

Which cart are you using currently? (Don’t know about the flexibility of the Selekt regarding the load)

So exited about 2024 and what will be my sound improvement :wink:

The Selekt MC input is 100 Ohm, MM 47 KOhm.
In moving to the Selekt, I traded in my Aura, continuing to use my P10 + Apheta 3. Difficult to judge the SQ of the Selekt inputs as Space Optimisation is such a game changer. How did I ever listen with that exaggereated bass, which muddied the whole of the frequency range.

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I see, so no real comparison between the Aura and the Selekt ?

Is the Select “only” allowing a 100 Ohm on MC ? (My Aura is today set with 200 Ohm for my DV XX2-MK2…100 Ohm brings a bit to much treble with my Proac 10 Sign)

I’m as you concerning the huge bass we are experimenting on most of system, speakers…not talking the difficulty to leave with such amount on day to day basis.

Did you though about changing you speakers after this swap, or are your speakers your comparison element (the one you want to keep)

Asking because new electronic often means global change as well