System Pics 2023


A lot of gear there, yet it suggests it is what it should be: entertainment in the home, not a shrine.

I imagine it is a very pleasant space in which to listen to music or watch a film.

Nice, as they used to say on “JazzClub” :grinning:


I won’t be getting any of the new gear for quite some time I would imagine. But nice to joke around. 552 is more on my list, if anything at all. Getting the CDS2 is making the 135s sound so sweet.


Hi Dan

Looks like we’ve both picked up nice CDS2s recently, mine is being powered by an original CDSPS which was modified back in the day for use with the CDS2, I guess when the original owner traded up from a CDS

I’d be interested in your thoughts on the CDS2 against your NDS, its a comparison I’d like to make in my system but quite costly to organise

System looks great by the way, as it always seem to when you post pics on here


I suppose a 552 would be nice yes but then my sources are probably considered by most here as lacking. I have 3 to 5 more years to work with earliest possible of 2.5 years so maybe I can stretch an upgrade before then.

What’s the chances of ‘show us your titans’ thread now :slightly_smiling_face:

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…wait for it.


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Lovely ClearAudio, a brand we don’t see enough of

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What a lovely room. I thought it was French or German until I checked your location. I’d not realised how large the Graham 5/8 was, but they look great in the room.


I guess that is the investment now, however I have had the B&Ws for a couple of years and had other Naim boxes beforehand which has made the switch less painful!
The system is only just 3 weeks old now and the vocals are getting better every day the 250 drives the speakers well with them never being above 60 % which is more than enough !

So far so good, I am more than happy !

Hi Chris,
I’ve had the CDS2 and XPS before and now with XPS2. When I first bought the CDS2 I bought an NDS and 555PS at same time. I also got a ripping NAS. I loved the CDS2 but funds were tight and couldn’t justify the CDS2 and NDS. The NDS is ultimately superior in sound quality. Clearer presentation, more natural sound. The CDS2 is warmer and not as clear. However it has real presence and sounds amazing in an Olive way. It’s smooth and velvety. Plenty of PRAT!

I missed the CDS2 and a while later bought a CDS3 which is a different beast to CDS2. Clearer in presentation and closer to NDS but maybe not quite as good as NDS. Again funds meant I had to sell the CDS3.

So I was on auction site and put some low offers in not expecting anything. I got them for a steal and with a new mech on the CDS2 I am laughing.

If I had to choose between an NDS and CDS2 as one source then it has to be NDS because of ease, versatility and ultimate edging sound quality.

The CDS2 has a different feel and is alot of fun. I love all my sources, including LP12.

I will try to hang on to the CDS2. Would be nice to have two set ups. One all Olive and one all black with the differing presentations.


Thanks BigAl. It’s home sweet home. And having the entertainment system altogether with surround sound using the main speakers works well in the AV set up. I can also play my system via a switch in the conservatory at the other end of the house.

I think your sources are easily good enough for a 552. A CDS3, quite high end LP12 and Auralic streamer. What more do you want? Yes you can upgrade LP12 and add a 555PS but it will be good enough

I would like a 552 but listening to music last night it sounds so good as it is!

I think what you have is fantastic as it is!


Time to get serious.

These beauties are sounding superb!



@Puddlesplasher Just spotted this on the Kudos site re ‘Positioning’:

“Due to the isobaric loading on the Titan series and the downward firing boundary port arrangement, Kudos speakers tend to be more tolerant of room boundaries making it much easier to position them in your room. In an ideal scenario there would be plenty of space around the speaker (at least 45cm from any corners) but don’t be afraid to try them closer to the rear wall and gradually move them out to see where you like them best – a good starting point is around 20cm.”

I note they also suggest 100/200h to reach full potential. Mine are one month old with ‘light use’ apparently. Sounding sublime right now.



Great turntables :ok_hand:t3: currently saving up for their innovation deck

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They were on my shortlist when I bought my LP12. Clearaudio Performance DC (MC Package).
The LP12 won because I’d wanted one for nearly 40 years and the spec to cost was where I wanted it to be. :blush:

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Thanks HH! I’m lucky my wife allowed them in the house for demo, and lucky she loved their sound! I love these speakers

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It looks like i am now the only one keeping the ProAc Tab10 flame alive :slight_smile:
Will be interesting to read your thoughts and comparison after a few weeks of listening.


Oh buggar… Did I screw up by getting the CDS3? :thinking: