System Pics 2023

I’m from Poland but based in Guernsey (Channel islands). 552/500 is a dream but the plan is for 252/300 although saying that 1.5 year ago all I had was a uniti star so I’m not ruling out anything :rofl: At the moment I’m really enjoying the current set up and will try my best to resist the urge for any upgrades :relaxed:.


Looking great. Interesting to compare to proacs.

No. I loved my CDS2 but when I moved on to a CDS3 it was a knockout. Selling my CDS3 is one of my few hifi regrets. Bear in mind though that either machine can be easily “knobbled” if the tray is off level or one or more of the suspension pins has jumped out of the cups.


Selling my CD555 is my biggest regret in my Naim journey Richard - why did I do that I keep asking myself !!!

At least it went to a good home

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My first post in quite some years. I sold my Unitiqute in may 2017 and from then till may 2022, due to several reasons, my only “system” consisted of a Sonos Connect, hooked up to a Marshall Stanmore BT speaker. Great for background music, but last year I decided it was time to get back into normal/proper HiFi.

Mainly due to transformer humming issues I’m forced to stick with lower power amps. (often also entry-level) A Nait 5si was not an option, so I went for a Rega IO and it’s a great piece of kit, especially for the money, but when a Naim dealer offered a near mint Nait 5i-2 at a no-risc price last week, I just couldn’t resist it calling me. :blush:

I’ll probably have it recapped later this year. (keeping my Rega IO for back-up) A s/h Naim DAC might become next on my wishlist, to upgrade my Bluesound Node N130. (which I really like!) :slightly_smiling_face:

Compared to most of the beautiful systems I come across in the systempics thread mine is very modest, but I’m happy with it! :smiley:


Welcome back Alco. Setup/living room looks great :+1:t2:

Very nice small system. I like your Solidsteel SS6 Speaker Stand, very special in white colour. That fits very good in your room and I am sure they help your Oberons to sound best. Enjoy.


Nice to see you back on the Naim forum Alco, lovely looking system you have too.

Hi @Alco nice to see your return. A cool looking room setup with good colour choices.

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Thanks for the kind welcoming words, Stickboy, Wilfried, HiFiman and GeoffC. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s nice to be back and also to have a fair slice of the Naim sound back into my room.

I’m sure that the Nait 5i-2 is up to handling better speakers, and although the Dali’s are obviously budget speakers I’m quite amazed at the sound-quality, as well as build and finish. (the fake oak looks remarkably well)


I am running the Oberon 5’s on a nait 5i using a node 2i as a source. Sounds very good indeed.

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Isn’t that all that counts?!

Lovely straightforward system … I can recommend the nDAC!



Thanks Mark63,

Yes, in the end enjoying your favorite music is all that counts.

Also, the problem I had with transformer hum brings one positive side effect… I won’t be tempted to climb up the upgrade ladder, so it should save me quite a bit of money. (always look on the bright side of life. :wink: )


Great to see you back Alco, over the years I always loved looking at your simple, elegant system pics! Sometimes simpler, is just better. Enjoy!


Dave Brubeck sounding superb.



Thank you kindly, Frazeur1! :slightly_smiling_face:

Great to see you posting again Alco. Always beautifully done.

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Have just replaced the Marantz 2275 with a Nakamichi CA-5 II pre-amp running into two Cyrus 8 power amps, each used in mono mode. Had one of the Cyruses already, but it wasn’t being used.

Got the Nak because of its phono stage, which is excellent:

Just played one side of an LP through it on the Beogram 8002 and the improvement in sound quality was distinctly noticeable.

It will be interesting to hear how the other components sound once I have connected them.


Looking beautiful!


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Nice and clean system, @Alco
It‘ s all about the music and not about the count of boxes :+1:
Enjoy it :blush: