System Pics 2023

Thanks Krautnaimie. :slightly_smiling_face:

Agreed, I like a system to be fairly minimal. (for me ideally a system consists of 2 to (max) 3 components. (otherwise it often draws to much attention to itself)

Spending a few hours tonight enjoying the second setup the Nait 2 really digs dip and sounds fantastic, loving ever second


32 year old restored Walnet Mk1 SBL with Mk2 drivers, new grills and powered by a CB Nait 2 / ND5XS2

Listening to this setup dare I say do you need more


Having run SBLs with a Nait 2 I would agree with you but do you want more ?

I have more in the main setup but could easily live with a Nait 2

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Very nice, HiFiman! :smiley: I can totally imagine it’s all you need.

Btw, just wondering… are you using the Nait to adjust volume or does the app for the ND5xs2 have a volume sliding bar, to (digitally) adjust volume. (I briefly had a ND5xs in the past, but don’t remember if it did)

I’m just asking as I can barely use the volume knob on my Nait 5i-2, if I were to set my BS Node’s signal output to 100%. (I have my Nait’s volume set on say 8 o’ clock, and adjust the volume with the BS Node app. (rarely getting beyond 70%)

Thanks Alco. The volume on this setup is purely set on the Nait, I tried the digital volume on the ND5XS2 but this degraded the overall listening experience.

If you’re looking for a DAC to sit between the Node and Nait I would highly recommend a Chord Qutest, out the box the Qutest is set at 1v output which is perfect for a Naim Nait or Pre this allows more control over the volume.
My main setup an ND5XS2 feeds an Mscaler into a DAVE, DAVE is set approx -17db which is about 1v and perfect for the 552

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Alternative is to hide them inside something nice


Very nice looking rack @Petersfi. I once had Full Fraim when I owned Naim components, but no longer do.
I am looking to replace my cheap Best Buy TV / Audio stand eventually. I am interested in something like yours, is that a BDI , or Salamander rack? Do you know the name/ model number of it?
Thanks in advance.

I had the Amati’s a few years back, absolutely loved these speakers, I hope you are enjoying them as much as I did, they paired very well with my Naim gear…

Most forum posts I recall reading indicated a preference of setting up the DAVE at -12db or -13db, can you share what led you to a setting of -17db?

Thanks Dan, that’s great insight onto the two playing side by side. Unfortunately my days with an NDS were some time ago and I never got that opportunity

Have you ever been tempted to try the two side by side on the same power supply, wither the XPS or 555? The challenge I have with the NDS is the nagging feeling that its missing a huge amount of potential by running it with anything less than a PS555, which puts it in a significantly higher price band than the CDS2 for me

Your system does look cracking and, with 3 great sources you really must be spoilt for choice, happy listening!

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Yes, the NDS sounds best with 555PS. It makes use of the 2 burndys and the whole 555PS. It can also be used with 2 x 555PSs. The CDS2 seems to sound more coherent with XPS or XPS2. I will try CDS2 with 555PS but my fear it will sound too much. The CDS3 sounded better with 555PS but I only had one and used it with NDS.

The NDS sounded okay with XPS2 but much prefer 555PS.

Keep the CDS2. If funds permit later down the line get an NDS with XPSDR to save money. It will be very good. Obviously 555PS is better still. The XPSDR will sound better than XPS2.


I listen at very low volume, setting at -17db allows greater control on the 552 with no balance issues caused by the Alps pot.
After reading various posts on the Chord forum I think the consensus -17db is about 1v output.


Thanks Dan, saving already, watch this space…

BDI Corridor 8173 Quad. I’m happy that I don’t have to dis-assemble and put back together every now and then, and you can see the green lights peeking between the slats…:wink:

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Ooh…font wars!


The Amatis will be my final speaker and I agree they pair well with naim amplification. Very pleased with the sound and don’t they look great?

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No, my mistake, not paying attention. early morning here, not enough caffeine etc.

It’s a gloomy day in NYC, but I liked the light on the LP12!