System Pics 2023

Quite amazing

Just out of interest, how do you manage with the Evokes so close to the wall behind?
I would love to move mine back but they really seem to like a lot of space or I have to plug the Bass ports…:man_shrugging:t2:

Tell who? :man_shrugging:

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Some nice early morning sun coming in today



Not hifi as such but brought six IKEA storage shelves second hand at ÂŁ12 a pop and can now finally access our CD collection easily and quickly :+1:


I have to say these Linn Majik Isobariks are proving to be one of my best speaker upgrades in years. Prefering them to my S400 Ovators!


They’re really cool and I love the placement…:+1:t3:

ASC TubeTraps
Its a bass trap and diffuser.
They can be adjusted so you can tune your room.
A game changer.


Difficult to find a speaker-to work in the room corners like that at an acute angle, glad the Linn’s do the job.

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Please don’t call the Rack Police on a Sunday night. Listening to some of Ben Howard’s albums tonight - Brilliant.


Today I made further changes to the left-hand living-room system. The Cyrus amps have been moved to the shelf below and I am adding the PSX-R power supplies. I have one already, but need to get a second one.

I moved my Oppo BDP-83SE from under the TV to under the Nak CA-5II and put the Marantz K.I. Pearl Lite in its place - the Marantz was a bit on the tall side to fit comfortably on the shelf with the Nak.


The big change for 2023?

I can no longer listen to music. As electricity prices rise, and our cramped apartment gets more cramped by the day with stuff for the new house build, Mrs. FZ has permanently requisitioned the hifi corner for drying clothes. Last night, there were even unmentionables draped over the tube amp! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Basically, I’m banned until we move. End of story. Still have the UQ2 in the office corner though.


That’s a shame. All that laundry must be good for acoustic errr damping though (sorry)

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Well…at least you’re feeling Zen…


Honestly I’ve not got enough energy left to get worked up about it. Dealing with 101 issue on the new house (including having designed it) while taking care of two young children has taken a toll.

But yes, it’s not great. I put the big Naim/PMC system in storage nearly 3 years ago because I can’t use it in this pokey flat with thin walls. So I got a tiny system (2 boxes plus a turntable) to enjoy for a while and it has turned out to be one of my favourite systems. And now that too is out of commission.

Just X more months! (with builders, it’s never a good idea to assign a number to X - trying to manage my expectations here).


Oh, I get it FZ - I was just trying to bring a smirk to your face. I hope that X turns out to be less for you, and we can all enjoy your system pic sooner than later! Best to you.

PS - can you explain your avatar? I am too dumb to know what it is, if it is from movie, or what.

It’s an Ewok (Return of the Jedi)


Yeah, I never really got down with the whole SW thing…I’ve seen the first one and the one with Liam Neeson. (Assuming there wasn’t more than one with him.) I only saw that because I was dating a gal and her 2 boys were dying to see it - I was a hero for at least one day in my life!

At least explains why I didn’t know what it was.

I like the look of the main rack with the double width although I’d be tempted to try the amps and power supplies on the same side.

The legs look quite skinny. I assume it’s stable.

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Any pics of the build progression?