System Pics 2024

Finally, Bauer DPS upgraded to version 2 is up running with it’s Bauer modified Rega RB 250 tonearm and AT 95 sh. The only difference to version 3 now is the psu.
I think this one and the Nait 50 will be with me for eve…… a while :blush:


Such a beautiful TT. Very nice indeed :ok_hand:


Hope everything works out dude


I’ve seen that coffee machine on display as an exhibit at the Science Museum


Thanks James_n, I`m pretty sure this is my endgame TT :blush:


Very nice little system. I also had an Atom for several years and it performs extremely well for the price. But I’m not sure if it’s ideal when it’s placed directly on a metal USM Haller board. I have had good experiences with a glass plate, silicon nitride ball bearings and a butchers block ((Click here). This was a big step up in sound quality and not an expensive solution.

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Wonderful Gryphon Marten Kombination. Cable dressing is not so easy. I know that very well. I see you are using cable lifters for speaker cables. Which one are these? Did they bring an audible improvement to the parquet floor?

Excellent !

Wilfried, I know it looks messy behind my system. 15 cables are involved. But the more boxes you have the more cables you need. I read that speaker cables should not be put just on the floor and being crossed by by others. Well, I checked the internet and found this product. Two packs cost me 100 Euro, so no overly expensive solution. Normally I do not buy any products from China anymore. But these little wooden sticks I could not resist purchasing. No difference in sound of course.

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I made my own - no idea if made any difference to the sound, but I enjoyed making them…

Yes I suppose it would be even better if it was active :wink:

Difficult to believe and I must admit that I have never listened to an active Naim system.

But have to say that I’m quite happy with what I have

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No Naim gear but I really like the Naim Community, and I really like my system!


Only one addition on the hi-fi front recently, but it made a surprisingly big difference; a second PS555 for the ND555. Not only is there more authority in the music played, but greater delicacy and nuance too. Lots of ‘how much information is in these files’ moments and of course, some where I had hoped for more. Really happy overall!


Lovely set-up/room, bet it sounds superb. Well played.

Thanks @Cluffy ! High ceilings help. Room has some reverberation issues which suits some recordings and others less so. But overall, really happy to lounge away the hours listening.

Smart looking room Monkey Jim. Enjoy…


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I recognise the work of the valve genius Tim de Paravicini. His early designs were for a British company called TVA, but he then reappeared in Japan as the founder of EAR (Esoteric Audio Research).

(That’s from memory. I hope that I got that right!)


Not quite but close!

TVA = Thermionic Valve Amplifier

The manufacturer was Michaelson and Austin and the designer was TdP.

I had a TVA1 for a few years back in the 80s. The black and chrome finish perfectly matched my Gale 401s and it had the guts to drive them very nicely.

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Oh dear … naim less apart from power line lites… don’t shoot me


Naim-less is the new black!