System Pics 2024

Why keep the SU if you have sources and the Nait 50. I would be very surprised if the quality of the pre in the SU was anywhere near as good as the Nait 50 and it complicates things unnecessarily. I would sell it and use the money towards a DAC for your Innuos.

Thanks @Rafael, yes that’s what I thought. Set the SU to about 50 volume and go from there.

Good call. Here’s a quick snap. I’m going to get a lot of flak on here for the set up, but it’s easier to switch cables for me this way :sweat_smile:


Hey @ChrisSU that is exactly my plan. But was just wondering what the DAC in the SU would add to the sound. While I still have it.

I’ve got the SU listed to sell. And I think my first step, when I do, will be to add a decent LPSU to the innuos and see how much of an improve it will make to the internal DAC.

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My money’s on a DAC upgrade being a better upgrade than a PSU for the Innuos. I’m thinking maybe a V1 if you can find one, or a Chord Qutest or Hugo.


Wow, groovy baby!


This was posted originally in my speaker build thread, but I thought this would also be a good thread for this particular one.


Nice work there :+1:

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You might get some flak from your other half :grin:

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Ew. Radical. What’s the device connected to the SU on the left, BTW?

Some sort of Tibetan Chakra Adjustment Unit?


Organic Isolation cones

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My new Burmester 082 having replaced the Uniti Nova. Three weeks old and still running in…

Burmester 082
Denafrips Pontus II 12-1
ART Deco 20 Signature speakers (Alnico tweeters)
BlueSound Node X
Roksan Attessa Turntable
Transparent Music Wave Ultra speaker cables
Audio Quest Tornado High Current main power cable (Burmester 082)
Audio Quest cables throughout


New Chord Epic is in from SuperLine/HiCap to 282, so Mrs Q and I are having a listening session whilst building Lego tonight😊


System is looking rather wonderful with green lighting. :heart_eyes:

Sorry to say this, I think your system looks superb, but with 2nd Fraim stack on right at same height, it would look awesome.

There, it’s been said now. Ready to duck!

I know it costs alot of money but maybe at some point.


Nice AV room :grinning:

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It’s been said before @Dan_M and I have listened, but I didn’t like my LP12 on top of the Fraim as much as I do on the source rack I had built.
I like both the sound and the aesthetic the way it is😉


Glad to hear it @QuickSticks. Looks wonderful, like I said.

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I particularly like the shelves with the half boxes. Looks really cool. So 3 HiCaps and a Superline. Very nice.

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Great looking space @Quicksticks.
Have you built a “plinth” underneath your “stacks”?
What did it involve if I may ask?
I’m looking at ideas as I’m planning on moving my system to a different room which, although more suitable in many ways, has a slightly bouncy floor.

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That seems like a big change, but I like the look of the Burmester. It looks a quality build

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