System Pics 2024

It’s nice to have a personal system, tailored for our personality and tastes.
It’s like an ikebana floral composition. Each one is unique.



That would make a great album cover.


Thank you @drago
I think this is endgame as far as electronics are concerned.
There maybe some Cable upgrades and obviously the Cart will need a review within the next 24 months.
The only other possible major component upgrade could be speakers, but I am very happy with it right now. In fact I sent a thank you email to my dealer just yesterday telling him how happy I am😊

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Thank You Enrico! Mille Grazie :slightly_smiling_face:.

My system
Uniti Star and Prehistoric Credos


Sunday afternoon bedroom/office system playing from the Mac. Just love this little speaker.


Just an update on the Powerline Lites added to the Audiolab 7000CDT and LP12.
The addition of the Powerline Lite to the Lingo 4 has had an interesting and unexpected effect on the LP12.
The music feels more nuanced, with greater musicality and rhythm.:thinking:
Really didn’t expect there to be much change if any at all…:man_shrugging:t2:
No noticeable change detected on the 7000CDT however.


May I ask how far are your Audiovector R1 Arretes placed, the distance between speakers? Do they sound good if placed close together in smaller rooms, say 1.8m+/- apart and rather close to side walls.

I am surprised at there being no noticeable change on the 7000CDT, I am a great believer in the benefits of a good ( I,e a non el cheapo kettle cable) power supply. On my Sky box I have an Ecosse Big Orange figure of eight cable, it not only makes a discernible difference in audio it improves the TV picture as well


I’m more surprised that there was a noticeable difference when used on the LP12. The PowerLine Lite is only a standard lead with a plug that bends in the middle; very different from the PowerLine, which is a much heavier gauge cable with much more sophisticated decoupling.

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All a bit difficult to fathom…there’s miles of mains cable from the grid, then 1m of lead. Needs some thinking about an explanation


Yes! But if it makes people happy :rofl:

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Admittedly I have not done any kind of exhaustive testing Ian and I don’t use the CDT anywhere near as much as the LP12 & NDX2, but I was surprised that there was such a noticeable difference on the LP12.
The CDT is just a transport of course and its sound signature is heavily coloured by the NDX2 which itself is enhanced significantly by the XPS2 DR.
I will try to have a play with A/B testing it with its original cable and the PL Lite later in the week. Maybe I just missed it with the quick listen (3 CD’s) I’ve given it so far🤔

for the EM energy that travels at the speed of light it’s not a factor, why people constantly refer to that…

Curious but what is the difference in the electricity that travels from the local substation via cables to reach your home and the electricity that has entered your house runs along the internal cables and exits via the power socket where it then runs along another cable and into your kit?

This is an area where I really struggle to comprehend how exotic plugs and extension blocks can improve what is already in your home. Isn’t electricity just electricity?

Somehow I think that I may have missed this class in school, in fact it maybe that I dropped the subject completely, hence my ignorance.

Last meter of the cable counts because that is exactly the one interacting with the power supply of the device and significant part of the noise in the system comes from its ps not elsewhere. Then there’s a big thing about materials - they all sound different including dielectric for sure as EM energy doesn’t travel through the wire but concentrated around it.

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I’m not sure I understand it either. Clearly somebody must do but I’d wager that there will be several explanations .

I say this after my own experience comparing the Chord M6 and the Matrix 2. Two blocks at different ends of the price scale, which present entirely different sound in the same system. Both with their strong points but both using exactly the same supply from the mains and the same system in the same room.

I live in a rural location and the supply has travelled miles along some very antiquated cable I suspect. It then comes into a house which was rewired 20 years ago and eventually ends up at mains block on 1 metre of cable attached to three Naim Powerlines. How the blocks and the cables from the socket to the block render different sounds is beyond my understanding but it is clear that they do. I’ve pretty much given trying to understand the science and just accepted that there is a significant difference! :slightly_smiling_face:


don’t think of that as a dc supply - electrons do not travel miles from the power station to your system :slight_smile:


Mine are actually closer than that. Sitting either side of my piano makes them about 1.4m apart, and the room isn’t massive, about 4mx4m. They sound great to my ear. I do pull them out into the room now and then and that does help with the depth of the soundstage, but really they sound great where they are and the benefit is small enough that I rarely bother.


This is exactly the bit I don’t get, your electricity runs along the antiquated cables from the electricity factory to your road then shuffles off into houses all around round you.

Yet we have these super extension blocks and power leads that somehow turn this antiquated old banger of a feed that arrives at your door into a super silky smooth Rolls Royce power supply for your gear.

It’s just bonkers how it it manages to do this, I just don’t understand it at all.