System Pics 2024

Thought I add a picture of my bedroom system. Amp is an NAD C368, Fern and Roby Cube speakers with Markaudio 10p drivers (which are just very special sounding!), Bluseound node connected to Ansuz D3 network switch (Powerswitch as they call it) with an Ansuz X2 ethernet coble. It is an amazing little system, very musical, detailed, wonderful imaging and kind of “delicious” to listen to. Cost about 5% of my primary but oh so nice!


Lovely room and nice system :ok_hand:

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Both systems look very stylish. Hope you’re enjoying the change!

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Graeme , interesting cartridge body on that Audio Technica . Can you tell us more about it .
Re your post from New Years Eve


Nice NT photo.


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The Audio Files RigB?

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Did I notice your Naim system for sale on eBay recently? It looks distinctive.

What do you think of the Gallo Ref 3.1s? They are a speaker the intrigues from a design and technical point of view: CDT tweeter, no upper crossover on the mid woofers and the side firing 10inch woofer (Peerless on this version?). Is there much difference between the woofers facing in or out?

Thanks. What a lovely gift.

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Thank you Dan. Nice of you to say… it’s early days but I’m on the hook :blush: I may have a separate room in the future but I’m in no rush. I saw your system pics :pinched_fingers:t3: awesome!

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The red part is the TrigB metal body for the cartridge. There are those who think this is the best MM cartridge on the planet, but I have limited experience of cartridges and couldn’t possibly verify that claim. I can say however, that I am very very pleased with it. Some dealers had a demo model last year and praised it. They would know more about it than I. Sorry, that’s not very helpful.


That’s easily the most spectacular interior I have ever seen, here or in a magazine… Are you in the U.K.? Massive congratulations on impeccable taste and husbandry of a clearly very old building :+1::+1::+1::+1:

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Hi AlexP, yes, you did. All sold bar the 555PS, which is proving to be a bit stubborn.

I love the Gallo’s for all the reasons you state. They sound brilliant to me and a massive departure from standard wooden boxes, which the CFO is not a big fan of (thankfully).

I tried playing with reversing the woofers in my previous house and decided that firing out sounded best, so that what I went for as the default config now. I’ve yet to try switching them to see if they work any differently in their new home.

The 150B and 507Z are just starting to bed in, and really working well together, so I’m looking forward to many more hours of great music as they continue to open up.

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Thanks! Having them both off-axis worked really well in that setting, and also helped with cable dressing and accessibility.

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Hi mij29, Thank you very much, it’s in France where this kind of house is not uncommon. My wife is the designer. If you look at the back wall, it’s stone but lined with a hessian covered polystyrene layer. Acoustics seem to work - can’t have too much wood as it gets eaten by the insects :joy:

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Hello, very nice!
Which boards on the top of the fraim? The ones instead of the glass shelves?


Great system for a great man…


Smart and stylish!

OK! Do they have 240volt there? I’m packing up my system and moving across the channel if they do… :joy::+1:

Hi, Roberto. I live near Sabaudia. Speakers take from a private in Salerno.

The office system. Yes, it’s in the same room as the desk system.