System Pics 2024

I can also highly recommend Tom Tom. All gear is fully tested so you can buy with confidence. I had heard of them but it was my Linn/Naim dealer who recommended them to me when I was hunting for my CDX/XPS. I suppose you pay a bit of a premium but you get what you pay for!

Keep strong Dan and push through this tough spell. I found I had good and bad times too when I was going through my treatment so I’m with you bro.


I’ve bought quite a bit of used Fraim from Tom Tom. I’ve used alot of dealers up and down the country over the years. Will see what’s out there once I have saved enough funds.


This brings a whole new meaning to all in one systems!!! :grinning:

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That looks great! All goes really well together IMO. It’s all fairly new kit, did it replace a previous system?

Very well said. Yes it is important to spend on some basics like a good rack and decent cabling, but leave the feet to the manufacturers (maybe with the exception of speakers for addressing issues).

This is my approach of course and not meant to sound like an instruction!

Thank you quad57 these are a very special pair to me. My best friend rebuilt them a few years ago. He was never going to part with them until one day Roger from the defunked Tiger paw Audio persuaded him to try his Isobariks. There was no going back after that!
I took some persuading over many years to move on from my Kans to his Sara’s. All I can say is I’m glad I tried them.

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In a roundabout way. I went from CDX2/122/150 to DAC/252/300 on fraim x 2 over a decade then moved to a Devialet for 10 years. Just moved back to Naim with the NC past 3 months. The Nc developments and move away from some of the older ‘eccentricities’ attracted me back :wink:


Thank you for that, migh. I have a stacked pair of ESL57s, so I couldn’t use the Gradient SW-57. I believe that having the stacked pair of Quads gives some bass reinforcement.


It’s pretty dirty at the moment. Maybe another time :tropical_fish: :blowfish:

I put three wine bottle corks under the player yesterday, lying there like barrels horizontally. I sanded one side of each barrel flat and placed the flat part towards the player’s bottom plate, while the rounded side lies on the FraimLite shelf. Much better in my opinion, gone is the previous boomy bass from pop/rock records and now those chirping violins and dramatic cellos sound as they should.


Is it worth buying some Naim cups and balls and a glass shelf? I have done that for all my Fraimlite shelves.

The glass from Naim is expensive, the cups and balls are not.

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In fact I have one FraimLite shelf with Naim bearings and local made glass already - and have wondered if the player would sound better on its own feet, on the glass.

I have glass shelves ready for four additional levels, had them made in a local glass company, but lack the Naim cups and bearings. They’ll cost 200 euros (4x50eur) through the importer…

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It’s worth getting the cups and balls. I have mainly Fraim glass but I think I got 3 or 4 sheets made up to similar spec dark glass, same thickness and colour.

I have 4 Fraimlite shelves in my system. It saved some money. I do however have 3 Full Fraim bases.

It’s an investment and pays dividends.


Yes… They took a bit to get them locked in but nice addition.

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Moved the Bluesound Node, Core and Qutest. Tidies up a bunch of ethernet cables that draped behind the speaker and looked awful. Now I’ll probably worry about the empty shelf. :pensive:


Nice system. Nice picture too. (I may have mentioned that picture in the past, still like it a lot).

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Yep, my local made glass shelves are made of harnened 10mm glass, and have the same colour as my one original Naim glass. I aim to get those bearings, cups and locators yet. I would love to get a ‘real’ Fraim Base into my rack, but it seems that they are not made in the tinted (dark) cherry colour anymore.

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Is that the Qutest under the tv?
If it is they are small and discreet :+1:

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Yes, that’s it. The Leds are quite bright so I’m hoping it doesn’t reflect on the screen when it gets dark. Time will tell.