System Pics 2024

Thanks, it’s a Yamaha G2. I bought it in 2002 when I sold my BMW R60/5 after 17 years of cold and various bone & muscle aches… :slight_smile:

IMG_0240 (1)


That’s a very cool reclining chair!

A replica of Le Corbusier’s LC4 chaise-longue (much cheaper but well built and equally comfortable…).


Mi manca questo posto…

Come whenever you can… I have a sofa bed now!

New additions for system 1 - swapped out my NDX2 with a shiny new ND555 and added a pre-loved Sugden PDT-4 cd player.

The Sugden PDT-4 is used as a cd transport into the Sugden DAP-800 onboard DAC. The DAC has a completely different sound signature to naim which I enjoy listening to.

Only day 3 on the ND555 but I’m already blown away with what I’m hearing - so much more detail on recordings, with much improved bass, dynamics and SQ all round. A superb piece of kit and great synergy with my Sugden amps and Marten Duke 2s.


Loving the ability to wheel my Shahinian Obelisks out into the room and back again without the faff of re-positioning heavy speakers on spikes, especially as I do enough of that as part of my day job(not complaining though). I was smitten as soon as I heard these babies, but as there were other speakers I was considering, their trump card was the Spitfire like manoeuvrability, especially as I get older and the thought of humping big speakers around won’t be appealing or indeed possible.


Very nice - these isobarics … never heared them but have seen them a lot during their popular days in the 80s.
Think the must be perfect.

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I’d have to spend an awful lot to better them I think.

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I also bought 2 naim glass shelves and balls /cups as spare and have put them under PN and zenith … does it help… dunno :joy:

Made my day :rofl:

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Your IBLs are sooo good.
Would take them in a split second :blush:
Never heared them or very very long ago …
They do have a design (and drivers?) as my axess. And the center is sublime

How big is your room?
The Obelisk II are simply beautiful.

The several Bariks I heard back in the 80s & 90s were certainly tremendous (I could never afford them, sadly, but they made an unforgettable impression).

Not to mention a great look paired with a fluted LP12.


Thanks and I agree they look great. I was fortunate to buy a pair in oak, matching the rest of our lounge decor. My wife doesn’t agree on the looks and size, but after knocking off one of my previous speakers at Xmas, she has agreed with my pragmatic approach, getting a speaker not so easy to knock over and easy to move out of the way when needed :wink:. My front room is a standard Victorian terraced, so 4.5m by 3.5m approx. The Obelisks work quite well up against the wall at low levels but need some space when you crank it - fortunately easy to rectify! As far as I’m concerned these are my end-game speaker. Might upgrade the electronics in front of them but I am quite happy at the moment and plan to enjoy them for a while yet.


Can you say how you came to own them?

That’s so clever :roll_eyes: but I don’t really care as long as it’s red.

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Many thanks Mark - very helpful

Good evening
Don’t often post but in celebration of bringing my lp12 out of retirement and getting it updated at the same time I thought I’d include a couple of system pics as I always enjoy looking at everyone else’s.


That’s a beautiful setup