System Pics 2024

Maybe this picture explains it better :sweat_smile:


You had cleared my curiosity… while replying to this I am still wondering how to place the S1 from the previous pic :rofl: thanks !!! Lovely S1, and CD 555


that’s one serious SUBW :+1:

Me too Cohen

I use my LP12 ARO/keel/ Superline /sCDR etc with the Geddon

There is just something about the ARO/Geddon combo that’s for sure :+1:


You are a great man Mike with your comments here - I take my hat off to you re your family


priorities is all… in whatever sense! Good luck, and enjoy the music!

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Two lightweight high extension 18” drivers they go low :grimacing: the challenge with low end is the need to manage phase, integration with the room and the need to move a lot of air

Not sure which thread this one belongs; system pics, pets, listening position, dbl refurbishing, WAF, or something else. :joy:

Its a humble supernait my little second Lp12 with a superline into a second pair DBLs in a really big room, 7+m wide. It sounds bloody awesome :smiley:


Im looking at that exact set up Bevo with my DVXV1t unless the KRad2 is a much “ better” listen.

lol … yes … must as well go for the S1 … you can do it !!! :muscle:t2::clap:t2::laughing:

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cat seems undecided still…

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Now complete for now……
222/300/250 triple with Vertere DG1/ Phono1 - Atohm GT1SE speakers.
Just today having added a lightly used 300 it’s interesting the effect. More detail tighter bass I expected, but the whole soundstage has expanded OUT into the room so that it sounds great in the space behind where I have taken this (same size again) rather than being just restricted to the area shown. An amazing bonus :slight_smile:


I’m looking forward to when I can add an NPX 300, :grinning:, but a speaker upgrade needs to come first.

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Yes I still have the Harbeths I am forever swapping things around

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I have the Radikal 1 on my other LP12 Ekos 40th anniversary

Never had the 2 Sondeks side by side

Most say the Geddon is long in the tooth now but it just seems to “swing” happy music wise with the ARO , like it a lot

The Radikal/Urika gives more detail but to me can be a little on the clinical cold side but not overly so. It’s pretty sensational.

Using both with the Linn Kandid which really does it for me .

Both have their pros and cons - one day I’ll have them in same location so that will confuse me ha :grinning:


Seems a very practical layout to me,

Looking at your system specs @Ian2001 and it’s a lovely compact one that’ll also offer up fantastic sound, bet you’re loving it.

There’s something just ‘right’ about a simpler system that often knocks spots off far more ‘fussy’ ones IMHO, as well as looking better!

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Yes please, I am always interested…


Well if Peter has an Armageddon in I will ask him to do the comparison against Radikals.

He’s a Radikal guy

Here in Australia my long suffering Naim/linn dealer found me a late model Geddon in great condition for $1,300

The Radikal 2 is $13,200

Will have to be great for me to take the plunge that’s for sure