System Pics 2024

Thanks. I wouldn’t worry about tidying up. Most are interested in the kit and like (well I do) seeing how people enjoy their music and system. No need for it to be tidy !


Yesterday I sold my mint condition, freshly recapped Nait1 back to the gentleman I bought it from last year. He also borrowed a CB Hicap. :slight_smile:

I need another Guinness…


Me too! They rule!

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Don’t worry, I haven’t been cleaning all this time :grin: It’s a bit late, but here is my system, complete in all her mix and match Fraim glory :blush: I’ll get a better snap in the morning.


The speakers are a bit too close for my liking; but after a long battle, my wife and I signed a peace deal and this is now officially North Lounge (my half). She is across the border in South Lounge, where admittedly the TV is, but she doesn’t know how to use it so I have an open access visa to travel there :upside_down_face:


I never knew naim was available in a silver finish

It was a limited edition , something to do with a Focal / Naim venture with an audio chain - if my memory serves me right

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You missed the 10th Anniversary Focal / Naim partnership celebration. The Tin editions attracted a lot of forum ‘discussion’ at the time :grinning:


“Tin Edition”

Honestly, it looks quite nice though I’d prefer the badge, knobs and buttons to match. It’s a shame Naim don’t offer a light and dark version as standard.

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It’s sunny!


That’s a great system you have there. The speakers do look too close together. What are you thinking of doing on that front?

That’s the posh one,
I had solid blocks and pallet wood,

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We spent many months ‘up-cycling’ the sideboard on the left of the picture so we’ve been hesitant to move it out of the room, but it takes up so much space that is probably the answer.

Despite this being North Lounge, and therefore my decision…, it would allow me to move them further apart and also a nice and comfy listening chair :+1:

I picked up a pair of 6m Epic X speaker cables a short while ago on ebay so I have plenty of flex to move them around.

ps. thanks for the comment, I am very pleased with it :smiley:


My NAC552 is back!

I collected my NAC552 and PSDR from Audience on Friday morning following a full service of both boxes. I then spent all afternoon reinstalling them. My immediate thought was: WOW!

I purchased my NAC552 secondhand from a known dealer seven and a half years ago. It was about 18 months old at the time. It replaced a 52 in a 52/135 system. At the time I wasn’t overly impressed with it - I wondered if I’d got a bad 552 or had a very good 52. I later swapped the 135s for a 500DR and convinced myself that the 552 just needed the 500 to give its best.

When I had to move it into another location while the music room was being decorated I found it very difficult to get all four transit screws to align and screw in properly, which made me wonder about the suspension. I then read a post by @RonToolsie who had also experienced little difference between 52 and 552. His was returned to HQ where the suspension was adjusted and the true performance of the 552 revealed.

It was at Audience for a demo of the NC300 series where I explained the problem and asked about getting it serviced. I explained that I was concerned about entrusting it to a courier given the issue regarding the transit screws. Lucky for me, the Naim rep leading the demo, Darren, offered to collect the units from the shop and deliver them direct to the service department - that’s good old fashioned Naim Audio customer support for you!

On reinstallation I immediately realised why there’s so much enthusiasm for the 552. Maybe I was hearing the difference relative to the SN3, which had been used while it was away, but the difference is so marked that I think this is the best I’ve ever heard it. Most notable is the improved three-dimensionality of the soundstage. I spent a few hours on Friday evening jumping between favourite tracks just to hear how much better they could now sound.

The service sheets just say that a full service was performed and that all the capacitors were changed. If that’s all that was done, then I’d question the advertised service interval for 500 series kit (10-15 years) as mine is only nine years old. It seems obvious to me that something else was done. For a start the transit bolts were now in rock solid, so I wonder if the suspension was rectified. It was quite an expensive service, but so worthwhile.


Do you and your wife have a “demilitarised zone”?


oooooh, suits you sir!

We have that book in our house too. We have found quite a few tips for places to visit from it.

That is good to hear and has convinced me to now get my SuperCap DR serviced as my gut feel is something is not right. I wonder how many people are now frantically unplugging their system and checking if the transit screws go in :joy::joy::joy:

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What’s wrong with your Supercap DR? How old is it and has it been serviced. Supercap DR should be every 10 years or more for servicing.

There’s no transit screws on Supercap DR. It doesn’t have suspended chassis. It’s mainly CD players and some streamers and the 552 head unit that have transit scews. My NDS has 4 transit screws. It’s a very special piece of kit.

I had my Supercap 2 serviced along with 52 in September 2023.