System Pics 2024

I have moved the boxes around as I was occasionally getting turntable wobble with LP12 on top of middle stack. I have given the NDS and 52 more space. Cable dressing is easier now.

I will see how things go. But definitely good to experiment with layout as things weren’t quite right.

Also picture of BOB in the tank!


Good vibes in that space

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I bet you read and then re-read and then re-read it again to make sure that this sentence was written correctly :joy:

Lovely set up, very impressive.


Thank you. I left it ambiguous so we can talk about BOB!

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He needs a friend, a Mrs Bob, then you could have baby Bob’s


Unfortunately BOB blinded his last mate Tony! He is a lone fish. Very territorial is our BOB! :joy:

Killer BOB!


He needs a Piranha for company :smiling_imp:



The Naim Forum are coming to get you BOB! :tropical_fish: :blowfish:



It’s good to see the LP12 in the corner, where hopefully it will be less subject to footfall. I remember suggesting this ages ago, but for some reason you said it wouldn’t work. Maybe I misremember.

As for Bob, I’ve never known goldfish to be remotely territorial. They really do benefit from a few companions.

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Great album, bad album cover :slight_smile:

i removed the glass sculptures and the soundstage improved for sure. Thanks!


Thanks, Clive – yes, it’s a Woodsong. I had lusted after one for a while, but then the maker stopped doing LP12 plinths, so I looked for a secondhand one for more than a year. This one was NOS from a dealer in Arizona who closed his shop. It’s cocobolo, and as soon as I saw it I knew it was “the one”!


Nice Pendleton cushion cover too

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I’m using a separate Dac (Ares 2) so I’m using an Audio Sensibility USB cable (Canadian brand) from the Eversolo to Dac and then an RCA- DIN I had laying around and I can’t for the life of me remember the name of it. It’s a green coloured cable that was all the rage here on the forum about 10-15 years ago and made somewhere in the Middle East I think. Maybe someone can remember the name of that company? Might switch it out for an Audio Sensibility RCA-DIN one day since I’m really happy with their cables, seem like good value since they direct from the company with no middle man.

Hi Dan,

does he likes “bebop” :wink:


Think it just came to me…AR Cables may be the name of the RCA- DIN. Remember them?

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I will try some with BOB :blowfish: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :muscle:

Hannibal Bob? :thinking:

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I would have expected him to be more interested in music from Marillion or Walter Trout or Roachfort



I think BOB knows something is going down. He looks more wary than normal!