System Pics 2024

If you think there’s the interest and people would like to see the build I’ll start a thread with the progress to date


Please do :wink: @chris5

I’d be very interested

Speaker Build-Cheeky Monkey thread just posted


It’s been a while since I have posted a photo of my current system :blush:


Birds seem unexpectedly relaxed. Are you playing “Forest sounds” soundtrack?

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A very nice system you have there. Could you tell me the distance of the speakers from the back wall. Thanks

Thanks, the speakers are. 32 cm from the rear wall.

love the n-Sats had them for years with the n-Sub beautiful sounding speakers

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Indeed. They work very well in my tiny room.

Just finished setting up my Fraim. I was skeptical about how much difference it would make to the sound but I must admit that it has blown me away


Looks great, is your profile out of date though? The system looks different?


System looks awesome!


Looks lovely. The Fraim can make a significant difference, and when it does, the whole system sings like never before. Happy days!


Oops sorry hadn’t noticed it. Updated the profile with correct info

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I have to admit it truly does. I often expressed my skepticism about whether the Fraim was worth it or not in this forum but I was very mistaken.

Believe it or not my favourite place is sitting in between the speakers (rather than in front of them) and I have not moved tonight for 3 hours. And if that is how I feel just by listening to Radio Paradise over wifi and through my £600 Focals I cant wait until I get my new speakers, Cat6 cable and the RigB-fied AT cartridges for my TT


:+1: Interesting and unusual listening position, how did you come up with that?

Quite by chance really. I placed the chair there whilst sorting out the other side and sat down for a rest whilst music was playing. Got hit by a nice 3d soundstage. Instruments well separated and very relaxing. The singers voice comes from above my head though

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If you find it relaxing, which I can totally understand, then maybe it means you get too much treble in a more normal listening position in front of the speakers, what do you think about that?

Funny you mention that listening position iliria

In my previous home I use to do that also and found it very relaxing, great warm sound music everywhere

Wait for all the analytical brigade comments come out in spades :crazy_face::crazy_face::grinning::grinning: