System Pics 2024

Perhaps that might be true. I’ll have to test that a bit more

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Very nice set up and it looks great. What speakers are you getting?

when I got my speakers in Acoustica many years ago I was standing between the speakers looking out and he asked if I played in an orchestra. Apparently a number of orchestra players do the same thing as this is how they hear the music - not sitting in front of it…


Looks awesome, thoroughly approve (if it were at all necessary, which it isn’t!!) of the 1200 sat on top too 8)

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Number two just arrived. That’s my weekend sorted, then.


That has got me in s huge dilemma. Budget is about 5k. And there’s so much out there. Narrowed it down to these so far:
Kudos Super 20A (or Titan 606 if I can get them second hand)
Spendor D7.2
Dali Epicon 6


I was s bit sceptical at first about a 6 high stack but once put together it looked perfect :blush:

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Lots of good choices there. Choosing speakers can be a difficult process. I hope it all works out for you.


That a decent shortlist
Good luck with that.

The 606’s are phenomenal :+1:



I know that the ATC SCM40 is very cherished but try to find a pre-loved Titan 606, a speaker well worth waiting a while for.


Agree with @Bjorn comments. Yes there are a number of very good speaker models out there but I have found the Titan 606 just fills that sweet spot of sound quality versus size versus cost. Of course every system/room/individual is a bit unique in its own way so may not suit everyone but certainly worth a demo/listen


So I had the annual strip down, clean and reassemble but this time included my latest bargain purchase (from the outstanding TomTom Audio in St. Albans): a pre-loved HCDR to add to the existing HCDR and NAPSC to finally let the 282 do what it was built for.

It’s 24 hours since switch on and I’m already getting slack-jawed at the difference. I’m thinking about what the kit is going to sound like when it’s had a three-day cook. A bit scary, frankly.

Barring a miraculous dump of a vast amount of cash (never dream never), that’s it for me and upgrades.

Once more, trapped on the sofa! Happy days.


That 2nd HiCap makes such a difference.
I was so thrilled when I attached mine Mike.
Welcome to the ‘That’s It!’ club mate😉


Hi @MikeD - how would you describe the difference? One for @QuickSticks as well.

It’s like everything is made bigger, better, more detailed, richer toned and more immersive.
Nothing changes but everything is just MORE.
That is probably not particularly helpful🤷🏻‍♂️

No, no! It is! Thanks for responding. I’m thinking about trying it some time. Just filing information away.

I had a similar experience when I had a NAC82 with two HiCaps. I purchased the HiCaps shortly before the SuperCap was released, which was a bit irritating. Eventually I made the swap to a SuperCap, which I thought was a bigger improvement again, despite not being able to use it to its full potential, since there’s no connection for a Burndy on the 82.

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Yeah, I’ve ruled out a SuperCap as an upgrade Clive. If I ever do upgrade my 282, I have decide to go straight to 552. I know that is a big jump, but I have heard a 282 with SC and wasn’t swayed enough. I’ve also heard a 252 and was not thrilled by it.
I’ve never heard a 552, but judging from every person I’ve seen comment on it, it is a ‘Slam Dunk’ upgrade by all accounts and my 300 will be truly lifted by it.
Maybe one day I’ll here one and be able to make an informed decision, although that might be tempered by the bank balance at the time😉


Once I’d got the SuperCap it wasn’t long before I started feeling sorry for that unused Burndy socket. This inevitably led to a NAC52, which I kept for (IIRC) 18 years.


A used Supercap is not much more costly on the secondary market than two Hicap DRs. The smarter buy is the Supercap.