System Pics 2024

Only if you felt the uplift was genuinely worth it and I’m afraid I didn’t. :man_shrugging:t2:
Besides, the 282 was designed for twin HiCaps and sounds absolutely fantastic with them.


Also something to think about, thanks. This one does divide opinion and does depend on whether I’m thinking of moving to a 253 some day. Not this year, though!

Quicksticks has it down.

It reminds me of when I changed from a NAIT to NAC 202 plus NAP200.

Awesome. Really.

What can I say? If you’re thinking about doing it, just do it (as The Pink Fairies once recommended).



It’s all down to preference, of course, but I always found the Supercap to bring all the benefits of the Hicap and more again: with 282, Stageline and Superline.

We all hear differently, natch.
OP, go with what sounds better for you.

I don’t recall if I used two HC’s when I had the 282, so do hear both options if you can.


Interesting comments about adding a second hicap, I read so many mixed opinions from forum members that I put the idea to the back of my mind.
Supercap seems a bit of a waste if you’re not going further than a 282, which I will never do but my interest in adding a second hicap has been rekindled somewhat after reading the
Interesting comments from MikeD and QuickSticks.

Wouldn’t you have to reverse left and right channels as all the instruments will be in the wrong place. :thinking:

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Not at all, this position is the equivalent of sitting with the band or in the orchestra, and looking at the public.

I have a musician friend and this is his preferred position. It is indeed very interesting.

If you reverse the channels, the magic is lost.


Having used just the one HC for about a year and deciding, based on comments gleaned on this Forum, to add a second, I took the leap of trust.

My conclusion is that if you want your 282 to perform at it’s best, you need to have two HC’s as well as a NAPSC.

I’ll also add that, since moving to Spain, I’ve gone through upgrades where I’ve had to simply trust that the quality of a NAIM upgrade will always be worth it and have never, as in this latest purchase, been let down.

We are often dismissed as “NAIMees” or"fanbois" (bit sexist), but my experience tells me that there’s no reason to look elsewhere unless you can afford to chop and change just for the fun of it.

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not for mono… :grinning:

more seriously, is the sound stage of a recording always the same as where the musicians are standing? when playing - especially if in isolation booths.

If a record is mixed and recorded in stereo and you face the system then it’s the way it was meant to be heard.
Just like placement in an orchestra.
If you face the other way then it’s all reversed.
If one wants to pretend they are in the band instead of listening to it then there are other things happening. :roll_eyes: :wink: :zipper_mouth_face:

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It’s the same effect you get when you are backstage in a concert. Very interesting in my opinion and very different from a position in the audience.

But for sure the music is the same.


Ha! Thanks for the encouragement, @MikeD !

Thanks, @steviebee. You do hear lots of great things about what a Supercap brings on the forum. I’d love to audition both, but that is very difficult to do now where I live. Not a lot of used equipment about.

Bose had already thought of it, with the 901s!


Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is well. I have been through a chemo/ cancer battle and am hopefully coming out the other side. Next step liver resection.

Lots of changes to system. So LP12 is now at full Klimax level. New upgrades Ekos SE/1, Kandid, Keel, Radikal Klimax black 2, Urika 1.

552DR added. 555PSDR added. EE8 added, Vodka Ethernet cable, Farad Super 3 arriving tomorrow.

System blows my mind. Especially LP12. Sounds terrific. So 3 dimensional and smooth! Loving system and life.

Sending my love and thanks to you all,

Dan xxx


Fully agree, though I think an 82 or 282 (I could be wrong here) doesn’t fully utilise all the caps in a s’cap.
I did hear a 282 with 2 HC then a S’cap and I thought the S’cap far better even not being fully utilised.

Obviously if you have a 52 or 252 (former being more musical :wink:) then it’s a S’cap.

Just shows we all hear things differently and that’s good, although once someone has ‘upgraded’ it always sounds so much better :rofl::rofl:

As an aside, I’ve also joined the ‘that’s it’ club, as so many very contented 52/135 owners.


That is a fluffing awesome system @Dan_M, fingers crossed for you on the next step in your treatment.


I dont know about reversing and all that but one thing is for sure: listening as it is the music is absolutely subliminal. You do indeed get hugged by a cloud of warm music. Yes, I am hearing the instruments on the opposite sides but does it really matter?

As long as your happy. :wink: :+1:t2:

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That’s a nice oak plinth of yer lp12.

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