System Pics 2024

I’m loving that rug where did you get that? perfect for sound damping…

It’s black ash. Rubbed down and refinished by previous owner! It is rather nice. It doesn’t look like oak in the flesh but looks very cool. It’s why I bought it in first place.


It came from Furniture Village, we just loved the colours :grinning:

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Give it two years and you will have a system like mine. It happens like that mate!

It’s always a pleasure to see photos of system posted here, Nigel. :sunglasses:

Haha, not a chance, Mrs O will do something rather unpleasant to my nether regions if I try and pull the ‘upgrade’ card.

She is aware of the possibility of a phono stage being added, and upgrading the XLR cables from Naim to (tbc), but otherwise this is an end game system.

At the moment I wouldn’t change anything anyway, it sounds just sooooo good.

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Thanks Tony :grinning:

We will see what happens! Things change. Obviously with a wife to keep happy, you maybe somewhat limited on future upgrades and all!

But marital bliss is more important than hifi upgrades. I am glad you are happy with your system.

Best wishes,



My heart has said yes to the 606s for quite a while. And my brain is slowly giving in too :laughing:


I just love your spirit, Dan. Mate, you are an inspiration to us all. Hang tough, and all my best wishes to you.


Thanks Nigel,

I am keeping going, booked work up, am tsking my three year old son on holiday in 2 weeks. Have it all going on and doing my best! What else is there to do! Staying strong and keep doing my thing mate!




That’s it, now I’m officially in the club :sunglasses: ))

Nait is warming up :fire:


Welcome :+1:


Yes, an Ion Obelisk 1! Had one some years ago as a student, didn’t know of Naim and couldn’t afford a Cyrus back then, and this was considerably cheaper 2nd hand. How do you compare it to the Naim?




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Welcome. Wow Crimson Elektrik, not seen that brand since the early eighties. Novel that the 500 series pre-amp ran off two PP9 batteries. Solved all your a.c. design problems in a flash. :blush:


The Ob1 was a nice little amp but no match for the original NAIT or NAIT 2. The Ob2 was appreciably superior and probably the sweet spot of the Obelisks. Ob3 was a bit better, the Ob3 and Xpak was quite a lot better and seriously impressive.

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Ob3 was a bit better, the Ob3 and Xpak was quite a lot better and seriously impressive.

I might need to look out for a Ob3/Xpak duo… Thanks!

Welcome Mike. I know nothing about the Audio Alchemy amps. You are probably the first here to show them.

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