System Pics 2024

Thank you. This is an XDP/DTI/PS2 digital kit for TDA1547. It sounds great.


They are different, yes, but for me they are both outstanding. I can’t give preference to anyone. I want to warm up Nait for a while, I just picked it up yesterday, maybe the difference will be clearer. They are both in their original condition, without interference, if that’s important.

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glad to see another Audio Note user here. I started to feel I have a strange choice of brand for my hifi.


finally you get the 552, congrats for the acquisition, Dan. Hope everything’s going smooth and well also on your path to recovery

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Crimson continue to make amplification and cables in the UK.

Yes, I believe so. It is just rare to see one of their products. :blush:

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keep reading and you will :grin:

Do it - fun to look at pics regardless. I have one non-Naim system and have posted pics here as well.


Yes the NPX is under consideration. But I find it a every expensive upgrade at 7K euro.

My next step is to audition a subwoofer. Either the Rel S511 or S812 since I expect more value from that upgrade for half the price of the power supply.

No system changes, but I’ve refreshed some of the art work to replace some certificates I had on the wall, to make it more of a music focus. Playing PF’s Pulse blurry with the hi-res sound track and it does sound rather epic.


I think you need new speakers :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: about time


Funny you say that, my dealer was trying that on a while ago, and I said no, the ones you sold me are too good.


Totem speakers got great reviews at the Munich HiFi show

Don’t know why not available here , maybe they are but never get any exposure whatsoever


It’s only a matter of time Mike :grin:

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I think the picture looks sharp… like a Blu-ray! :upside_down_face:


Friday evening…
New Eels album out today
Two Vertere Redline cables on loan (XLR and speakers) - making a complete loom.

Very positive on all fronts so far, but getting ‘Eels Time’ on vinyl will be cheaper than the cables :grin:


The Totem Winds would fit pretty well in @Mike_S system :wink:

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Indeed they would……if the room was 5 times bigger :smile::smile:


Very nice and balanced, well thought out system I must say :ok_hand:

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Thank you :+1:

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