System Pics 2024

An update to the bedroom system - a Loxjie D30 DAC V1. Purchased ‘unused’ from eBay - I set it up last night.

It’s one of those Chinese DACs that measures really well according to ASR. I’ll be honest, it’s good - in combination with the Tibo Bond 3 streamer, Arcam Alpha 1 amp and Piegas TS2 speakers its leagues ahead of the previous Arcam Solo Movie Mk1 that went wrong - not as neat but much more musically engaging as a system.

Nice and compact, built in power supply, can be used line level, as a pre or as a headphone amp. Lots of filter and set-up options too. Quite impressive, especially for the money.

Edit: the V1 uses an AKM AK4493 DAC chip, the V2 uses an ESS ES9068AS chip. IMO this would make a great digital pre-amp into a Temple Audio Bantam Gold/Bantam Stealth or similar power amp to make an excellent compact bedroom or office system - choose your own digital source.


I’m sure they need some room to properly breath, however I’m pretty curious to test them in a confined space too (my dealer says they’ll sound great nevertheless, I’ll hopefully have a demo sooner or later).

Hi Mike, room looking nice and fresh. Just one thing, and you are probably aware, I noticed the balance knob on your preamp was over to the left. Just in case you hadn’t :smiley:

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Yes, that seems to be where I need it to have a balanced sound in the room, as there is more room to the side of the right speaker than the left, due to the layout with two doors and where I sit. And slight hearing loss in my left era. But well spotted!

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The element metal v2 sounded amazing in my room (which is a similar size to yours). Unfortunately they didn’t pass the aesthetics committee test (hence FinkTeam Kims, of which my olive veneer pair arrived a week ago)

I’m really pleased with the finish, and think they look wonderful. After a week of run-in they are starting to sound fantastic as well


cheers, I knew there would be a valid reason :+1:

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Beautiful speakers :ok_hand:

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What speakers did you use before the Kims? Was it the SL2s mentioned in your profile?


Cracking looking speakers there.

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So much to do, however i’m just doing what i want to…Music…Beer…& Richard Thompson, “Ship to Shore” sounding sublime!!
I think it should be law that only young people buy Statement…it takes an age to run in!!! When it does…o my!!!


Very nice room…….and i could probably live with the hifi😉


Thank you Gazza. My needs are simple…Music n Beer!!! Wine later…coz i’m cultured!!!


Wow! What a gorgeous set up, envy all arond!!

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Bless ya!

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Sounds perfect to me.

Obviously you’re slumming it with the system there, Dusty, but you’ve got your priorities right :wink::grinning:

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Now there is a bucket list tick……slumming it with Dusty😂


Very cool speakers, :blush:

Well, i do try…boy am i trying!!!


Bless ya [quote=“Gazza, post:3152, topic:32727, full:true”]
Now there is a bucket list tick……slumming it with Dusty😂

Bless ya Gazza…ask the wife…long suffering!!


First post - Long time lurker! :slight_smile:

Firstly I’d like to thank you all for the wealth of information contained within these forums!
You’ve all greatly had an influence on the direction of my system!

Just moved into my new home and thought I’d post a system pic
All Naim and Rega with Titan 808s and a REL 31 (not pictured)