System Pics 2024

What was it that prompted you to make the change? I deliberated a good while over whether to go 333/332/250 or 222/250 for now, with a NPX300 later. I went 222/250 as I wasn’t comfortable with the far higher up front cost. But you now have me going over that internal debate again!

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The move was partly due to me listening to an NVC TT and NPX TT last year and buying them. I was really happy with the 222/300 but the turntable was as a result so much better that I began to think about upgrading 222. I had heard the 333/332/350 with SCM40s several times and could hear it was significantly better but I was dithering about the upgrade. Then the opportunity for ex-dem units came up at a good price, so I arranged to trade in the 222 for a 332 and 333. I was going to wait for a while to get a second 300 but I got such a good deal on it that I decided to go for it now. I could have had it installed last week but I wanted to decorate before they arrived. The system is warming up nicely now and getting better by the hour, I think by the weekend it will be fully on song. Now both my sources have their different strengths whilst being at a similar level. I also had the system and racks disassembled, shelves moved etc by John K from Audio-T Brighton as part of the installation. I think this is very likely my endpoint system unless a very big premium bond win comes my way and even then I am not sure I would change anything. It is a brilliant mid-range system in the Naim world and in the real world, a crazily expensive toy that gives me a lot of musical enjoyment. When I went in to the store a couple of weeks ago to do a comparison of my old system to the new system, listening to Swim Back by Daughter on the 333/300 into the 332 was what sold it to me. With the 300 on the 332, I wasn’t totally convinced the upgrade was worth the money. Steve Sell’s was absolutely right when he said some months back, that if you only have one 300 put it on the streamer.


We both have a very enjoyable weekend of listening to our favourite music ahead I think.

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Thanks for explaining your reasoning. It certainly makes sense.

Although I’m tempted by the 333/332, unless I’m offered a really good ex-dem deal, I’ll be sticking to my guns on funding a speaker upgrade first. That said, when/if I look at adding an NPX300 I’ll review.


It’s a top flight system now Paul. Did you consider active SCM40s or 2 x 350s at all?

And I get what you are saying about sources being similar in sound quality. If one is alot better than the other then you start wondering what can be done.

Your system is well balanced with great sources and amplification.

Interesting. As you may recall I was mulling over the same issue (my Vertere TT set up absolutely flogging the streaming via the 222). I don’t have the spare £8-9k even a trade in for ex dem would require, without going to the 2nd NPX as well, so I decided to dem some cables. Strangely the Vertere Redline XLR and speaker cables hugely lifted the performance of the 222 streaming side without much discernible difference on the TT side. Hard to explain except the as part of a system the output from the streamer was more affected by the constraints of the cabling (a van den hul integration hybrid and some Mogami speaker cable) than the TT output. Anyway, got my system where I’m happy for only an additional £1,500.


Active Pmc’s then?

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I have heard the 350s several times but think for my ear the NC250 is preferable, much in the same way that some people preferred the Classic 250 over the Classic 300. Of course, it could be that my pocket is influencing my choice of 250 over 350 and that I don’t have rack space. When I bought the SCM40s ex-dem during a lockdown, I had listened to both before over the years when popping into Audio-T (to go record and CD shopping with John during his lunch break). Each is good with different strengths, I went for the Naim-powered passives because to me they sounded more pleasing. I don’t think there is a wrong or right choice in this, just which you prefer.


Roger that :+1:


Sounds like you found a good solution for you. I think my upgrade path could well be cables next. Superlumina XLR pre-power connectors are reported to be a significant upgrade. But that is for the future, I am going enjoy what I have for some months before I consider spending more money on Hi-Fi. I am currently rationalising the cost of the upgrade as part of the lounge redecoration and furniture budget, (the new furniture arrives Friday) and other rooms and garden need money spent on them before the lounge gets more spent on it.


Yeah, actives, really like them. I actually bought ex-demo passive speakers and the active board. Lovely bass but generally good all round and not fussy about placement.


A rather nice prezzy for my 60th - a 333/332 combo!
Albeit not optimally positioned yet, it is still a massive upgrade over the Atom HE, which retains pride of place for the moment and will still be used when music playback is being fought for in the front room. A second headphone option will be necessary in those situations where I come second in the race for the sofa.


I think I need to become good friends with who ever your present buyer is, please!!


Allae detail


Very nice. I have a similar system. Is that a Meridian CD player on the top right?

I agree with you Paul. My preference was also the passive SCM40s driven by a NC250 and my most recent upgrade, a pair of NC 350 monoblocks. “More pleasing” was the same reaction I had when compared to SCM40 actives. For years, I have used fairly hi-end studio monitors for music production/mixing and they are great for their intended purpose. However I don’t find them particularly enjoyable to listen to, perhaps due to over exposure. I also think that ATC is one of the few companies that has been successful in translating the studio monitor to the home audio market.

The ATC SCM40 actives are a terrific product. They sound better than their price point would suggest and would make a great, relatively affordable, system even in combination with just a Naim streamer and/or NC 222.

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No it is an NVC TT

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My recently assembled music centre
Nait 50 bought for a song ( new ) yesterday and burning in nicely for past 24 hours via streaming Radio Paradise
Will try the TT this weekend as this is what it was bought for … all analogue system versus the fully digital active main system
Have to say it does sound fine …

And yea the amp will be moved off the speaker :grinning:


New upgrade in my room:-)
Good evening from Hamburg,
I supplied my NAP 300DR with a second 300PS power supply and had to increase the device tower by one level. It’s a real tower now :slight_smile: It’s really amazing what the second power supply does to the sound.
Next project - a Rotel 1576 MK1 will replace the AV2 to get lossless sound from Bluray and UHD. To do this I still have to solder a lot of adapter cables. If that is better than the AV2, the Rotel can stay and four height speakers will be installed on the ceiling. Am curious.
Kind regards

What are your experiences with two power supplies on the NAP300DR? Has anyone ever done that?


NAC152XS detail