System Pics 2024

This forum, continuing to throw up extremes! Two great system pics, thanks for posting both @NNNM and @Christopher_M - enjoyed both 8)


I’ve never heard of this been done. How is it? I didn’t even know you could do it. Are you just running a single power supply into a single channel on the NAP300?

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Similar to running 2 555PS to an ND555. Makes sense to me.

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Cracking photo (again )
Love your close up work :+1:


So this is how my system is now. Been a huge journey but got where I wanted to be in the end.

Been alot of changes over the years.

I look forward to seeing some of you at Naim HQ on 11th July.

Sending you all my thanks for wonderful support with my system and health journey!

Love you all!

Best wishes,

Dan xxx


And yes I now have an ND555. Very nice it is too. Separate thread on that one.


As with @Mike_S , I’ve not heard of this being a thing…please tell us more!

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Posted this in the ATC thread but worth posting here with a description of the digital madness.

So the source chain will be a Sonos Port, SPDIF into a Mutec MC-3+ (not pictured but acquired), the Mutec is itself externally clocked by a 10MHz OXCO, AES-3 out reclocked signal to a dCS Purcell ( externally clock fed by the Mutec) and a BNC SPDIF at 24/192 to the DAC V1.

The amp is an older NAP200 serviced 5 years ago.

ATC SCM7’s, obviously will need to add sub(s) in due course even in small room.

Plays music as it is but awaiting 2 cables and a dual mono 12v LPS that will be for the Port and the OXCO to complete the plan above. And I need to put the IsoAcoustic pucks under the speakers.


Stacking police I think we’ve got another one. :grin:


HH will be along with some sarcastic comment :sunglasses:


If you or I posted that a few years ago we would have had a least 10 responses by now. :grin:


Stacker and proud. There, I’ve outed myself


The stacking is awful. You will mark the boxes. What on earth are you playing it?

Get a Fraim!

From the stacking Police.

Best wishes,



No need I am in there!


I am curious if Richard can confirm the possibility of running 2 300 ps on the 300 dr. With modified cables ?

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It’s possible but not recommended by Naim (hence you can’t really buy a PS on its own). We tried this with the NAP500 and while it initially seems to do some good things, the music didn’t hold together quite as well. Roy speculated that it might be down to “parasitic effects” of only using one half of each supply.


What year is your arrival on Sirius expected?


Is the Audiolab item their DC blocker? If so, do you find it worthwhile and can it support all the electronics including the amplifier?

Yes it is. I have used the single before and I found that it reduces the noise floor.

The 6 version supports 2400 watts in total, so yes the amp runs off it too.

Thank you. Useful information. It’s a neat looking solution compared with most mains conditioners. From your experience, are the single and the 6 plug version of comparable performance?