System Pics 2024

Its a nice day, why not crack open a beer (or 2, 3…)


Dog ate a goose?


Lol… just brushed the dogs


I keep moving the speakers around to find the right position. This time they are firing across the width of the room, so we have bass again. I was forced into this as after re-building the frame at the weekend I found a short on the speaker cable termination (I could see some burning on the heat shrink covering the termination). So back to much shorter cables.


I wonder whats in those drawers ?

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Hi Chris,

I’ve just spent several months exploring that very question. I concluded that there are some very good integrated amps out there but that none of them do what my 6 Naim and 3 Rega boxes do!

So, for me, at this time, less is definitely not more!




Headphones, remotes, cables, gaming controllers, magic potions etc.

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Ooo… Magic Potions😃
Anything good? :magic_wand: :man_genie: :test_tube:

That’s my fear Ian, as I know the impact every box in my system has on the sound. It was not until I upgraded to the ProAc K6 with its ribbon tweeter that I finally heard how sublime, nuanced and detailed my system was. Every element from the power supplies to the Chord Music cables contributes to that sound. I get that no integrated amp will do that.

Still… I look around and wonder if I could live with a simple integrated?

This very thought was exactly what led to my experiment.

The answer, at least at the moment, turned out to be no, I can’t, or rather, don’t want, to live with an integrated; simple or otherwise!

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Thanks @HAS. Hasn’t taken too long to change everything out and full LP12 Klimax.

Very happy with the system.


Naim factory visit…very dangerous Dan, Jason’s gonna play you a few tracks on the ‘Statement’…I can feel some new pics coming from you :grin:


The system is done. To change it now would mean going S1, active or statement. And speaker changes.
My budget doesn’t factor any of these changes.

This system is more than enough for me and what I have wanted for some time. Am going to focus on other things in life now.


The opportunity to hear naim’s top system at the place of its creation is as good a reason as any to visit the factory.

However, every time I went, it was the manufacturing processes, the fastidious attention to detail, the very high quality of the products and most of all, the conversations with the wonderful, dedicated and talented staff that created and made it, ensured another good day to remember.

I am sure @Dan_M will feel very much the same.


Exactly @GeoffC. I have had so many Naim boxes and to see them being made and the insides will be amazing. To meet the staff and check out what they do will be amazing. It will be a special day.


I knew you had noticed it… :grinning:

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My Supernait is back from the shop and sounding great in the bedroom so I had to post a pic. Guess this means I can retire the Audiolab 6000A i’ve been using as a backup. Even bare and cold without hooking up the HiCap or using the Powerline there is no comparison. Will be slowly introducing those two upgrades after I get used to the Naim sound again. Happy days are back. :grin:

iPhone pic.


Really nice set up.
Great System Pic :+1:

All your images are really thoughtfully done.
Like what you do…


Thanks ratrat. Surprised the pic turned out decent as it was pretty dark in the room and it was just a phone photo.


With photography, sometimes that’s how it works.
I’m also often surprised what a phone can produce.

Anyway, like what you’re doing over there
Rooms, interior design, HiFi, Systems Pics. :+1: