System Pics 2024

Looks proper. How do you like those ProAcs? Did you ever try the Tab 10s?

I really like them in my small bedroom and no, never tried the tablette 10’s but I’d like to. I have sealed Falcon Q7’s in another small listening room which I assume might be similar?


Nice looking system! Are those rosewood Proacs?

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Yes, Tablette Anniversary’s in rosewood. I used to have an ebony pair years ago and when a chance came up to trade my KEF LS50 for these I went for it and have no regrets.


Two power blocks, 11 cables, one mesh tower. The place behind my Hifi rack is quite crowded. I am still waiting for the „one unit does it all“ solution. Will it ever come? My guess is: rather not.


Just a cosmetic change. Purchased a pair of replica Sara grills to give them their original look. I’m very pleased with them and the cost was reasonable.


ProAcs always look such cracking speakers that you want to hear them.

Looks like a fun system, congrats.


Thanks Adam1. When I saw this pair in rosewood finish I knew I had to have them! They’re sounding pretty amazing at the moment with my newly serviced Supernait plus the powerline and olive hicap that I’ve just plugged in. A bit of an overkill for the bedroom but I’m in heaven lol.


Very nice, looks like original grill
I had Sara 9’s back in early 90’s - with LP12 32-5 hicap 250 (all CB)
In a small room, it really rocked!
Not sure I get more enjoyment from my current system TBH.


Now that you mention it I am debating whether to get a pair of Twenty5 26i or Titan 606. What’s your impression considering that you have listened to their relatives?


This picture is from 2021, but thought I’d share it again given the same veneer I had on my Tab10S, amazing speaker, which were similarly fed by a Supernait2, also in a bedroom system, which was/is actually my main one :slight_smile:

Now these are replaced by a pair of D2Rs, I needed a bit more bass, and the bigger speaker have given just the right amount for my taste.


Not posted here for a while, as there have been no changes.
A minor change has occurred today however. Borrowed a pair of Chord Epic X speaker cables from a friend for Mrs Q’s system recently, in an attempt to resolve an interference issue. They didn’t help, but I’ll save that story for another thread.
Decided to install them on the 282/300 system this afternoon for a couple of weeks, until my friend comes to retrieve them.
I’m not convinced they are any different at all, but I’ll leave them on until the 10th and then switch back to see whether I miss them or not… :man_shrugging:t4: :thinking:


I got the same model some years ago, it’s a great UHD player :+1:

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I see an old turntable to the right on the floor. Is that of any interest to us on here?

No Dan. They are an old 80’s Sony TT and Pioneer Amplifier belonging to my brother.
They’ve lived in the loft of his old house for the last 20 years.
He moved from East Sussex to just down the road from us last week and they came back to daylight during the move.
I am arranging to have them inspected and serviced for him so that he can play his records again.
He will require new speakers however, but we are getting him a deal worked out on a pair of Whatfedale Diamond 12.1’s.
He’s not putting much investment into this analogue solution just now. We’ll see what can be done to move him forward in the future…:wink:


I fear for your bro’s bank account.


It will be good to resurrect that set up for him. Good man!


I think you’d be surprised what interests us :wink:

The TT looks fairly similar to a direct drive Sony my parents had, and that has also just been liberated from a loft! It’s definitely in need of a new cartridge, plus who knows what else. My brother took it for him and his daughter to take a look at. Anyway, very fond memories of DD Sony turntables!


Very nice! How are you finding the 606s? I absolutely love mine!