System Pics 2024

They’re still running in but so far, so good. What I initially took for a bit of brightness was just a more revealing treble than I’m used to, not at all harsh or shrill.

Bass is much punchier than the Spendors they replaced too.

Overall very happy and getting better by the day!

Glad you are liking yours, as mine were pre-owned I did not have to do any running in so compared to my old speakers I found them staggeringly good from the off and like you found the treble, well the whole dynamic range to be a revelation.
What speaker cable do you use? I use Kudos KS-1 which for its price is brilliant and is also the wire used inside your 606s so should match well. It maybe worth a try.

I actually got some ks-1 about a month ago when I knew I was getting the Titans. I put them on with the Spendors and went back to the NAC A5 a few days later as I thought they deadened the sound a bit.

I’m using the ks-1 on my 2nd system at the moment, and still running NAC A5 into the 606s.

I’ll try swapping over again when they are run in for sure



No need for Christmas lights this year at least


Here are 2 photos (not taken the same day, as you probably can see). Long term goal is to continue upgrades by replacing the SuperNait 3 with a 332 and either NC 250, or 350. Depends on how big the improvement would be and… the amount of saving…


Great system there @mr_christer :+1:
Love the SF Olympica Nova II, such a beautiful looking speaker and my dealer informs me that SF speakers work brilliantly with my electronics. I must demo them one day.
What would you say are your favourite characteristics sound wise with your system?

Looking at your coffee table @Dynaudio1 – I reviewed that Chris Searle book in that issue of Jazzwise magazine! How’s that for coincidence?


Yes Kevster, I read your review !

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With all due respect, but not a chance that a SuperNait can provide what they speakers really need, at least a 252/300 combo would be needed to make them really shine.


Looks like he’s going that way in the future.

I’d like to hear them on the back of my system! :muscle: :joy:




My system is slowly being upgraded, when I have the finances for that, so it is not really done yet. But, so far, I would say an effortless sound. Easy to listen to and just enjoy. Not a night club system, so to say.

I think Naim electronics can have a tendency to be of a type that calls for attention, they don’t sit in the background and produce sound, they are a little bit like being on the front line, engaging you and “require” you to enjoy being “physically involved”, so to say. The Olympica Nova 2 are very good at presenting what is delivered to them. No problem handling rhythm and pace. But they do it in a way that is very enjoyable to listen to, and maybe not so much to physically experience. Listening to Kraftwerk, for example, you will feel the rhythms, beats and sounds via your ears, not via your whole body. Listening to acoustic instruments you will hear “everything” but you might not get physically involved. You will get very emotional involved, though. And thet’s the most important thing for me.

From this point of view I think they are a very good match for Naim. The sum is something I enjoy very much.

I don’t have a dedicated room for listening. The only place an audio system would fit in our house is the living room. Therefore the looks of this big set of furniture is very important. These speakers delivers. They are a beautiful set of furniture, very well built in each little detail. And they sound very, very good. They are kind to you. You feel loved when you listen to them.

Don’t know if that helps you with your question… But, have a listen if you get a chance. :slight_smile:


No, the Supernait won’t bring out the best of the speakers, correct. It is not very bad, one shall not underestimate this little box, though. But there is room for improvement. You may have read that the long term goal is to upgrade on the amplifier side. But, unless one has a lot of money lying in the drawer just waiting to be spent, one has to do things in steps. For me the first step was replacing Canton Ergo speakers with these and then, some time after that, I replaced the ND5 XS2 with the NSS 333. One thing at a time is the only way I can afford to do it.


Nothing wrong with one step at a time, most people here have probably done that. Good luck.


Neat Ministra to Majistra?

You hit the ‘nail on the head’ there for me and it’s exactly what I look for in a system.

I don’t think you could describe that feeling any better for me. :+1:

Same here regarding listening room, for us it’s a living room so has to look harmonious and a living space. I need things to look a certain way, beautiful craftsmanship is important if possible. My space is calming, so I can sit down, relax and listen all day long if needed :grin:

Enjoy your system and more importantly music and good luck with your future upgrades.

All the best…


And a good move at that :+1::+1:

Mmm. Upgrading a NAIM system over time. A journey where each stop is a guaranteed smile generator, even without auditioning.

Bit trickier when you get to the noisy end, obvs…

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