System Pics 2024

Spot on! So utterly happy with my decision.


It was either that, or stripey socks to plain :wink:

Just glad I changed my socks too! The backlash would of killed my soul.


Bit of a repositioning and tidy up. That’s better!


Just a “warning”. Rubber feet can sometimes leave marks on metal surfaces in my experience.

Latest addition into our home, as part of “Project Going Active”…

A Naim NAC282 is now in the house.

Image : Just arrived. Nearly new NAC282 incoming.

This is how we are today.

Image : Latest item NAC282 and new to us, with oldest item we have Epos ES14.

Capable and versatile standmount speakers, regardless of vintage, the ES14’s still hold their own. Although, being rear ported, ask to be away from rear boundaries for best results.

Really enjoying the additional details, clarity, nuance and sound stage from recordings that the better pre-amplifier brings. Lots of favourite tracks currently being replayed over and relished.

Image : For now, as passive. Set up with HCDR and SN3 as power only.

Thoughts are to eventually to go active.
Separate stand alone Naim pre-amplifier is now sorted, with floorstanding active speakers to follow.

Image: A System Pic. Square from the front, usual listening position.

For a longer read, here is the full story…
(A search for floorstanding speakers and exploring active options too).

Happy Sunday listening.


For me the pic that makes me the most jealous, love how the hardware is presented , the room looks a great place to enjoy music and the vinyl is ready at hand.

Looks like a music lovers paradise, salute your @ratrat

One of those pics where you can almost taste “hear” how engaging it all sounds.


Not SACD, but It’ s better built and looking than Pioneer that dealer forced me to buy but i eventually swapped with Panasonic

Well I have finally completed my “World’s Smallest Man Cave” - at least for the time being. I can’t believe how much crap I have crammed into a 10 x 11.5 foot room. And how many things are plugged into electricity - nearly 20 (although never all used at once.)

The room may look similar to prior showings but it did change. No Naim in this system; that is all in the LR.

I have the Positive Grid mini-amp and brought a “Core Four” guitars in the room that can cover any need for a type of guitar sound.

I toy not infrequently with the idea of replacing the KEFs but they’re pretty tough to beat for the money I’d have to spend to better them.


A small but perfectly formed addition to Mrs Q’s system arrived today.
A fabulous little Headline 2. 20 years old, so going off for service along with the 20 year old NAPSC that I’m using to power it.

Purely a temporary home for testing purposes. Even in their current unserviced state and through my fairly mediocre Shure headphones DSotM 50 sounding simply amazing.


Ansuz D2 Powerswitch + Ansuz D2 Ethernet installed in the Fraim replacing EE8 + Farad3. Big one. Huge.


Two NPX300s now in place (and sounding mighty fine).


Linn NextGen Klimax + Linn LP12/Ekos SE, all on Naim Fraim, except the LP12, which sits on a special custom stand.


That looks really good. I think I might get hanged for this but I actually think the new classics look good. Green has never been a color that I like lot… And I bet it sounds fantastic as well - might be that you will never need anything more… :slight_smile: I’m happy for you!

I have just started an upgrade path (and it’s going to take long time) for the electronics, replacing the ND5 XS2 with an NSS 333. Next step will probably be adding the 332 and using the SN3 as a power amp until I can afford either 222 or 333 (have to audition both of them properly, even though I think 333 is a different league). This will be a long time from now, though.

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Obviously, wider sound. Not sure if the low end is as clear, probably because the left is nearer the corner.

Talk about blowing my socks off.


Is that a NOKtable for the LP12 ?

Nice setup :+1:


How about the left in the first arrangement and the right in the second?


Your observation is spot on!

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Do you mean 250 or 350 by any chance ? :wink:


Yes, 250 or or 350. Of course - what am I writing…? I need to hire a proof-reader…

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