System Pics 2024

Is this what we can now call a Biden moment?


Love your white unit. May I ask where you got it?

Music and wine go so well together!:+1:
How are you getting on with your Titan 606’s? Mine are in black and I adore them.

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Music and wine go so well together!:+1:

Too well in my experience :grimacing:


I like music and Campari!


Nice-looking system in a nice room. What do you have downstream of your Linn NextGen Klimax?

Qobuz+Roon → the Linn Klimax DSM/3 → Linn Solos → Harbeth 40.2 on the Ton Trager stands

The speakers are fabulous and have really put my previous ones in the shade. Everything has more presence. Still running in mind you!

They are 1.8m apart at the moment and I’d like to try them at the recommended 2m, but that would mean moving the Fraim so I’ll have to wait until I have sufficient motivation and patience!

@sean86 wonderful system. How are you finding the Klimax compared to the LP 12?

That’s a very interesting question, I used to prefer the LP12, but with the Utopik power supply installed for the Klimax, the gap is getting very close, plus a huge number of albums available online via Qobuz, I find myself listening to the music streaming more and more.


I was going to suggest this too!

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@sean86 for your insight. Does Klimax act as the preamp for the LP12?

yes, it does, and this is the main reason why it+lejonklou phono amp take over the 552+superline/supercap, and I am happy with my decision.


I bought it used years ago, but I don’t know what brand

Is it correct that I can see Fisch power cables?

Finally pulled the trigger on a nice used nDAC for the CD5XS, and very satisfied after a decent warm-up. More bass extension and control is the most immediate thing I noticed, but also more scale and focus. I spent so long pondering whether to go for one, but after reading just about every relevant forum post, I’m glad I did. I’ve yet to couple the Node 2ii, so hopefully more fun to come!


Thanks that good to know. I have a klimax DSM on order and it is great to hear that the inbuilt preamp is so excellent.


Good choice, but be mindful of the system matching, in my case the combo of Superline+Supercap sounds kind of too soft, and for some reason replacing this combo with a Lejonklou Entity 1.1 phono amp brings back the music.

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I’ll just be streaming. Some review insist on using a separate pre amp with the Klimax DSM for streaming but it sounds like overkill. In my case it’ll just be connected to a NAP 250Dr

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I am still gobsmacked by a demo conducted by Gilad Tiefenbrun here in Saratoga, CA last summer. In this demo, there is no analog pre-amp, just the Linn nextgen Klimax goes directly to the Linn amplification.