System Pics 2024

Did he connect it to their LP12 Sean?

Or I guess just had the streamer ?

If I recall correctly, he demo’ed both the LP12 and the Klimax streamer. I know some Naim forum members (@PaulDavies, etc.) who were there with me in that demo, and they can confirm.

I see A2A are now selling the Australian fire-sale Naim gear here - online only. The NSC222 is almost half price. Still, I’m sure the DSM is excellent and you know you will get ongoing support from RMC, which unfortunately is not the case with Naim here.

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@Mike_S I decided to get the best streamer I could afford, and the 272 trade in knocks $10k off it. Sold the 555dr PS to go towards it. I could have got the ND555 from A2A but still would have needed a high quality preamp. The Klimax is actually good value compared to the cost of ND555 and power supply(s) and 552 preamp. And just one box instead of four or five naim boxes.


Nice balanced system IDAK, 2 boxes :+1:

I had the Ovator 400’s back in 2014-2016 with the 250 amp

Probably didn’t give them the time that they deserved


If, as @Mike_S mentions, the NC kit is available at a good price there then it might be also worth looking at the NC250. You can then use the balanced outputs from the Linn (and this gives you access to many aftermarket cable options as these are standard wired balanced cables - no custom wired cables needed) and the white logo / power switch nicely matches the Klimax display.


Just checked. No new 25os for sale . I’m sure the 250 dr will be more than adequate.


Excellent choice that’s exactly the route I’ve taken you just need a PS for the nDAC for a further uplift in the sound quality, although you will need another tier on your rack to accommodate one but trust me it will be worth it.


The 250DR is a fantastic amp IDAK - I have with the 252/SCDR

The Linn amps have never sold well here in Australia for some reason and probably the case in NZ as well


I can well imagine! I suppose I could try and convince my other half that the lamp could be moved elsewhere. What could possibly go wrong…? :rofl:

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IIRC, there was a Klimax LP12 on display but it wasn’t used for the demo. I remember hearing only the streamer section of the Klimax DSM.

That demo certainly gave me food for thought over my long-term upgrade plans. My abiding memory of the demo was hearing the start of the first song used for the demo and wondering for a brief moment if a live band was playing somewhere.


My CD collection My Naim Uniti Arom Headphone edition.


Hail Hail!




@bevo My guess is that most 250dr owners never get to hear what it is capable of due to a lesser quality source or preamp so certainly the klimax will make the most of it,in this angler fish system…

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100% correct IDAK

When I had the CD555/552 preamp /250 with LP12 Klimax ( still got the LP12) , the 250 certainly wasn’t out of place at all , it’s a wonderful amp

As you say best possible source and preamp one can afford to get the best benefit out of 250 or any amp for that matter


I use a 552DR and Chord DAVE with a 250DR, the 250DR is no slouch and responds very well with a great pre and source.


Inspired by the REL 6 packs, I bought a BK P150 (new version of the Gemini II) and, using another Gemini from a different system, created a ‘4 pack’. Each pair is run high level from the corresponding speaker terminals.

I’m still playing with the settings but I was 90% there within 20 minutes. The obvious benefits are considerably greater bass output/punch, especially at lower volumes. However, stage height is also much increased, particularly for instruments that play in the lower octaves.

Ultimately, for visual balance, I’ll purchase another Gem 150 (silver feet) and replace the gloss black Gemini.


My favorite spot. Too much backlight in the day so a bit dark… Not sure about the sonic qualities of the USM furniture but we have a few in our house and I love the looks. Two drawers of CD’s in the bottom part.


Cozy ambience :+1:

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