System Pics 2024

@bhoyo , will you be back in the Pacific North West sometime this summer? Climate here a bit better than anywhere else in N/A there days.

I’ll be in Woodinville for three days next weekend. It’s my grandson’s first birthday. Fri 12th or Sat 13th could be a good day for an ecumenical pint. Oh, hold on … you’re on Vancouver Island, right? If so, maybe another visit when I have some more time would be better.

Not on the island, but ferry dependent near Gibsons BC. Any chance we could meet up in Bellingham?

13th would work…

Nice system, thanks for sharing. I think USM Haller builds very appealing living room elements that are also in line with the trend for modern living rooms. However, they are less suitable as hi-fi or high-end racks. The shelves are made of metal, which resonates strongly. If you don’t want a rack (like Fraim), there are special hi-fi furnitures from various manufacturers (e.g. SwissHD), which also fits perfectly into modern living environments. I suspect you would take a big step forward in terms of sound quality.
I also read somewhere about a supplier who offers special damping elements for USM Haller. Unfortunately, I can no longer find the link. That could also be an option if you want to stick with USM.

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Very nice system indeed, and lovely USM rack.
Had my system on USM and changed to FRAIM. I didn’t expect it, but it made quite a difference.
MArco :cowboy_hat_face:

PS: The panels suggested by Wilfried are called AVP (Anti Vibration Panel) and are supplied by “BETONart audio”.

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@Bouda I have now found the company after all. You can find them under “betonart-audio” via google.

Great, thanks for the tip! Reassuringly, the whole site is in German - I’m halfway purchasing 2 without even reading it :smile:


I can only say wow, very good speakers the Linn kan mk1 with later version, work very well with my Uniti 1, and have some bass :slight_smile:


the Linn kan mk1 with later version,…

with what later version please?

Looks like a beautiful place to listen to music.
Always loved the look of USM furniture. Always featured in the IWC watch magazines.
Enjoy :+1:


There was a change to the original Kan at, I believe the serial number 24,000, maybe 25,000, with the later ones having a better tweeter. Mine were one of first of the revised versions, some time in summer 1983.


Sadly, I won’t be able to make it this time. I’m reliably informed (by my wife) that we have a full dance card for the three days we’re in WA. However, we’ve been visiting the Seattle area regularly, so I’ll let you know when we’re heading there again.

Definitely a front-end hierarchy theory in delightful action here

My 552/500 have gone on a well earned summer vocation, booked themselves into a health retreat in sunny Salisbury where they can enjoy some time out having their circuits massaged.

In the meantime i have until August to enjoy this wonderful 72/hicap/180 olive trio that has substituted themselves in the fraim with surprising musicality marvels :notes: :smiley: :ok_hand:


Thought I’d post a few pictures of the system whilst listening.

The speakers are 3M apart and I sit approximately 3.3M back, dead central. They just disappear with perfect stereo imaging. Most of the time anyway.


I have Linn Kans mk1 and I’m considering a purchase of the original (hard to drive) Linn Saras.

Do you have any experience comparing these two loudspeakers?


The sleeping lion…looks almost exactly like the beautiful lion in Stoke Newington’s Abney Park Cemetery, asleep on the grave of Frank Bostock, lion tamer:

Where did you find it? I’d love one!


‘The Chatsworth Sleeping Lion’.

The originals of the sculptures can be found in the sculpture gallery at Chatsworth, Derbyshire. In 1823 the sixth Duke commissioned Ronaldo Rinaldi and Francesco Benaglia to copy the lions from the Canova sculpture in Saint Peter’s Rome.

I’ve had them many years, bought at the Chatsworth antiques shop.

Everyone that comes to visit always comments on them. The real size ones are sooooo majestic.


sounds good

I love the real ones. Doubt I could afford a life size copy, though!

The wide awake one is more dramatic…