System Pics 2024

I have MK1 Kans and MK1 Sara’s two very different speakers. The thing is you can’t defy the laws of physics. A bigger cabinet is going to give you more bass and then add in the isobarik loading you get exceptional bass that the Kans just can’t reproduce from such a tiny cabinet. The Sara’s just have more of everything over the Kans especially dynamics and punch and a richness to the sound the Kans can’t match. Don’t get me wrong the Kans are a fantastic little speaker and excel in the midrange, they are open and fast and can leave you wondering how such incredible sound can come from such a tiny speaker.


Here he is.


You would need a seriously large listening room to accommodate them. :joy:
Although a Duke can obviously afford such a thing.


Looks like the situation room in Dr Strangelove…:wink:


In terms of liveliness, would you rank the Saras above the Kans?

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The perceived liveliness of the Kans is because they are lean in the bass region, that makes them sound clean and fast. The Sara’s have a fuller richer tone with more presence. My personal view on this is the Sarah just gives you more of everything the Kan does. If you were to go to the big Isobariks you would get more of what the Sara does, bigger scale and dynamic range. Hope that helps.


I understand what you’re saying and I think I can imagine that the Sara’s will have the speed and attack whilst having more bass but I also imagine the big isobariks to be slower in sound. I’ve never heard a large speaker that sounds as quick as a smaller one. It’s one of my biggest gripes with larger speakers along with imaging.

I’ll put Linn Sara’s on my list for sure. I think I’ll still keep the Kans though as they are mk1 and a gorgeous rosewood finish. Their dimensions are so seductive, aesthetically speaking.


Let me tell you, the big Isobariks correctly driven by a six pack of 135s and active are anything but slow. IMHO The key to using any of the classic Linn speakers is a good front end, a Linn LP12 is mandatory as is Naim amplification.


I’m not going to argue with actively driven speakers but passively driven a large cabinet usually gives amazing scale and bass output at the cost of speed and articulation.

I’ll also add that my 500 series with a lesser source than the SW1X DAC or phono is not nearly as enjoyable. Even when I put a Nait 1 after my DAC it sounds sublime.

I owned mk 1 Kans then Saras with an LP12 and chrome bumper 32.5/Hicap/250.

I never could settle happily with the Saras, even after upgrading the tweeters to the better Hiquophon (?) version.

Then Naim brought out a new power amplifier called the NAP135 and my dealer invited me in to hear them with the Saras.
Oh. My. Goodness.
Finally, an amp that could grip and drive the Saras properly. The combination was absolutely awesome.

Is that the first hand experience that you are seeking?


Best regards, BF


That’s a very positive shove of encouragement. Thank you :smile:


I see what you mean - it wasn’t intentional :grin:

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I have heard the Sara’s driven by a pair of 135s and agree that is an awesome combination. My Saras had new tweeters a few years ago, Scanspeak D2008 to replace the old tweeters like for like. I love my Kans but when I hear that beautiful bass there is no going back.

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This is the new system, ClearAudio Emotion Turntable, about to be wired to the Nait 50 with Nordost Heimdall , Nait 50 with Full Fat Powerline, CDX2.2 (digital only) and ND5XS2 to act as DAC and streamer.

Both the other Naim units use Chord Shawline power cables and the ND5XS2 is fed to the Nait 50 with a Chord Shawline .

The ND5XS2 is fed from the CDx2 via Chord Clearway as I didn’t want to invest in a Shawline with BNC for a unit that is around 21 years old

Harbeth P3ESR using Witch Hat speaker cables

The big change , the CD5si has gone and replaced with two units , my old CDx2 coupled with the streamer/DAC


Last night listened to it , all good and I mean really good for the first few tracks of an old favourite, then the jitterbug came … switched disc and the same thing happened again. Switched to a new disc, first five tracks all ok. Listening to internet radio , all good.


Happy with the result?

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Hi Pete,

Yes, very much so . Box count down on a decade ago , sound has texture and precision.

It is built very much around vocals , I put on some Judith Durham and Judy Collins yesterday - very good, followed up with Beethoven’s Ninth , not so good - not the fault of the Naim, but the speakers a bit overwhelmed by the material

The ND5XS2 very much in early days

best wishes



Stream Beethoven Ninth through the ND5XS2 in a few days, you might be surprised. :grin:


Chrome Bumper reel to reel.

I just couldn’t not buy it. :grin:


Only trouble is finding a pair in good condition. I’ve come across many Kans that have been well looked after. Sara’s often seem to be in poor condition

Later year of manufacture, different woofers and tweeters

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