System Pics 2024

Yes that’s going to be the issue. Most of the Sara’s I’ve seen for sale looked pretty battered.

I have a Sara in the workshop at the moment but sadly it’s very much looking like it’s days are numbered :grimacing:

Love it!

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Hi Pete

It’s a feeling I have had before with major symphonies , but I am playing a catch-up from BBC R3 as I write and it is very good .

I don’t want to go to heavier speakers , and if I did go back to floor standers it would be about the size of Spendor A2 (which are tiny)

best wishes

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Teenage room, lucky girls


A teenage room (i.e. the room is over 13) or a room for teenage girls?

If it the latter then I’m afraid that this just cannot possibly be true. It’s far too tidy!!

:roll_eyes: :rofl:


I wonder what will be their system at senior age. Maybe 3X Nap S1 in active mode?


And no posters ? It’s doubtful . :thinking::joy:


Missed that, well spotted.

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The girls have no aspirations for anything higher, iPhone MP3 generation, but they do occasionally enjoy high quality audio and love the replay through the Nait 50 and SBLs.

Its nice that the girls are into music and enjoy a wide variation of musicians.

The room is tidy due to me, I cannot stand any mess.


I wish I would look a bit more like you :slight_smile:


They are lucky to have such system at their age. As for my comment, it was just a joke. But I feel you took it as such. :smile:


I did :slightly_smiling_face:, growing up I had an Alan Micheal Suger Trading (AMSTrad) setup, boy that was bad but better than nothing!


CPC464 by any chance?

Was going to take a picture of the 17 year old daughter’s XS system but couldn’t bring myself to walk in that hellhole of a room. Mainly because I’d probably blow a fuse at the mess :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Thats some sort of computer Dan (I had to google the model reference) the setup I had was a mx300m, bag of sh1t but sort of worked

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The CPC464 was my first computer and I loved it. Loading up tapes to play games! At the time it was the ultimate!


My parents bought me a ZX81 with the 16k memory pack for Christmas, fond memories programming in Basic, took an age to load chess probably an hour or so but if you moved the bloody thing the 16k pack shifted and you start the whole process again.


Nice kit! We are probably the same age or thereabouts.

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I’m 32

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