System Pics 2024

Single box, you know that’s the future.

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Same me.

I’m 53 but feel 32


I’m 51 but feel 89 :rofl:


I’m a few months older but not as mature, still in full inbetweeners mode :wink: zx spectrum kid


us blokes never grow old


I’m late 50’s trying to live like a teenager :sunglasses::beer:


I’m late 50’s trying to live like a teenager

Ah, a teenager with decades of experience :wink:


Nice one. Room looks great, lovely set up. Out of interest, is the SN holding its own, or are you feeling the draw of a 250? I like the idea of your upgrade path…

Cheers, Reg

Very lucky girls. Top respect to you Sir. :+1:

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Oh no sorry to hear that. What is the problem with them?

There are three in total this apparently is the worst one, ( I haven’t seen the other two)the cabinet has been dropped damaging not only the outer wood work but also the internal damping must have been some serious mishap.

I have added a couple of images, the tweeter is also pushed in and one of the bass units doesn’t move smoothly, very scratchy when you push the cone in and out guessing the voice coil is contaminated in some way.
One thing I will say it’s superbly built and is very heavy, so I’m guessing if Linn made them now they would certainly not be cheap.


Thanks for the kind words.
It was a combined effort, me and my best mate, my wife.

Yes, the 282 is an improvement on the pre-amp section of the SN3.

As for a power amp, we’ve mentally committed to going active, with onboard amp packs within the speakers.

Happy listening

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Out with the SN3 and in with the 332/250 plus a couple of isolation shelves for the Lateral stand:


Looking good

They really have taken a bashing. They could be brought back to life, the Scanspeak tweeters are still available but the 4 mid bass drivers would have to be replaced with something like a Monacor unit as per these photos

The cabinet could also be repaired and refinished. It would probably cost somewhere in the region of £1000 and would not be to original spec but you would still end up with a great set of speakers. Just a thought if wanted to go down that route. It would be such a shame to throw them out. If Linn made the Sara today I would expect they would cost around £4000. Food for thought!!


Those Lateral stands are beautiful.

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Morning Paul6, thanks for the information I think their owner was thinking a quick tidy up and they would be good to go but clearly that isn’t the case.
I really need to see the other two, perhaps it might be possible to make a good pair from the original threesome.
I have never heard a pair of Sara’s but from what I can remember they have a distinctive sound.
Thanks again for the information think I’ll talk to the owner and see where we go from there.
Just a question have you heard the Sara’s with the different mid/bass drivers you mentioned.


Sorry, no I haven’t heard the Sara’s with the alternative drivers.

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